HeyWalla 2013

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Friday, September 7, 2012

Totally Confused - Gasim Ibrahim ... Oh God Save the Nation

Qasim Ibrahim (Owner of Villa Empire and ambitious candidate
for President of Maldives with Communication Problems)

Below is a letter we received from Mr. Dr. R. L. Bhatia Founder World CSR Day

Dear Mr. Qasim Ibrahim,
Your company and your colleagues agreed to sponsor the Asian Leadership Awards on 1st August, 2012. The Communication flow has been as follows.
We request you to pay our dues honestly to avoid any embarrasement.
We have delivered what we committed and you seem to wean away from your commitment. we request you to pay our dues honestly.

Sender’s Email
Receiver’s Email
Brief Content / Description
24th July, 2012,
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
With a CC to
Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
Had Written an email to Qasim Ibrahim, Founder, Villa Group
Regarding the Sponsorship for Asian Education Leadership Awards, Dubai and the Investment levels Were
Platinum Supporter
USD 25000
Gold Supporter
USD 20000
Silver Supporter
USD 15000
1st August, 2012
Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
With a CC to
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
He Mentioned that Chairman’s response is very encouraging and has instructed Villa Hotels to take Platinum Supporter Status for an investment of USD 25000.
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, the Executive Director of Villa Hotels will communicate to us. He will write to you for information about the offer of Platinum status or the level.
1st August, 2012
Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
With a CC to
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com; Mohamed Azeem <mohamed.azeem@villacollege.edu.mv>; Iqbal Adam <iqbal.adam@villa.com.mv>
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
He mentioned that Chairman would like Villa Hotels to be the platinum status supporter at this event and all the Benefits were given in that email.
1st August, 2012
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
He Mentioned that :
our chairman has encouraged us to acquire the platinum package offered by you. I order process further
2nd August, 2012
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
With a CC to Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
Mentioning the following :
We would need the LOGO of VILLA GROUP in CDR/EPS Format to be used for promotional Materials
  • 10 Invites are for Hon. Qasim Ibrahim and his privilege to choose any 10 people whom he desires. We will be happy to execute his decision and confer the Awards to his choice.
  • 3 Standee Banners at the Venue to be provided by you.
  • Inserts of Villa Group (If any) to be distributed at the Venue
  • 10 Invites for the Awards scheduled on 25th September 2012 at Taj Palace Hotels, Dubai.
We would be happy to confer Service Excellence Awards to Villa Group of Hotels.
The Invoice was attached along with the Bank Transfer Details
2nd August, 2012
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels With a CC to Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioned the Following :
I will pass all the bank details to our accounts and finance accordingly. As soon I get an opportunity to meet chairman I will put all the efforts to confirm (or at least get the his intended list of invitees). In my view point I think “Service Excellence Award” seems good.
2nd August, 2012
Abdulla Farish, Graphics Designer & Webmaster, Villa Hotels,
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Sent the Logo of Villa Hotels and Resorts in the EPS Format.
2nd August, 2012
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
With a CC to Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
Mentioning the following :
Size of the Standee banner
Invitation Cards was sent (Soft Copy)
The Link on the website 

www.asianleadershipawards.com was also emailed to him (Screenshot is given below for your kind perusal)

5th August, 2012
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
Just for my knowledge I would like to ask you about the invitations. I would really appreciate if you could provide me any details of invitations and related cost procedures. (Tickets, Accommodation and transfer etc). Is this invitees own expense/Companies or any of the highlighted ones covered by organizers. This information would facilitate us to make the travel arrangements easier.
5th August, 2012
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
In my point of view “ Service Excellence Awards to Villa Group Of hotels” is an excellent initiative. Further, I genuinely feel that “Asian CSR Leadership Awards” seems to be an excellent opportunity to value our chairman’s work (his Foundation, Villa Group of Company’s including Villa hotels). This could be either, an individual or company award.
5th August, 2012
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
With a CC to Iqbal Adam; 'Mohamed Azeem'
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
& Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
Mentioning the Following :
Also can u advise if the bank transfer is effected . As WE HAVE TO PAY THE HOTEL . As you are aware that the event is not for profit and attempts to break even . We are always thankful to our supporters . You may note that Hon Qasim Ibrahim your esteemed chairman may choose a few winners who he would like to oblige .This may be used to encourage many who believe in making a difference .
5th August, 2012
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
My mobile phone No: +960 7777805 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +960 7777805      end_of_the_skype_highlighting. I have already passed the mail to concerned from our company. As soon a response from them, will let you know.
6th August, 2012
Ahmed Anwar, Rector, Villa College
With a cc to 'Muaviyath Umar' <muaviyath.umar@villahotels.com.mv>; 'Iqbal Adam' <iqbal.adam@villa.com.mv>; 'Mohamed Azeem' <mohamed.azeem@villacollege.edu.mv>
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
This is to tell you that I was out of Male' and may be away again for a few days.
6th August, 2012
with a cc to cfmm@vsnl.com Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com: mohamed.janah@villa.com.mv <mohamed.janah@villa.com.mv>; 'Ahmed Anwar' <anwar@villacollege.edu.mv>
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
Mentioning the Following :
I have handed over all the relative documents to Mr.Janah from finance department on yesterday to process, and to make the transaction effected.
Kind Regards & Well wishes
Iqbal Adam
Secretary to the Chairman.
10th August, 2012
The Invitation cards were sent by DHL Courier
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
The Invitation Cards were received by Badal on 12th August, 2012.
Airway Bill No : 7071722604
12th August, 2012
with a cc to cfmm@vsnl.com Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com; 'Ahmed Anwar' <anwar@villacollege.edu.mv>
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
Mentioning the Following :
Re- The Social responsibility award.
I confirm you that the above mentioned award is to the “Hon. Qasim Ibrahim/Chairman of Villa Foundation” but not to the Villa foundation.
Kind Regards
Iqbal Adam.
16th August, 2012
with a cc to Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
Dear Dr.Bhatia,
Good day to you.
I mentioned our Chairman today about it, and advised me to reply to Dr.Bhatia on saying that this was quiet difficult to process due to the financial problems are having at the company now.
With Warm Regards
Iqbal Adam
16th August, 2012
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
with a cc to 'Ahmed Anwar' <anwar@villacollege.edu.mv>
Iqbal Adam & Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
Good day Dear Dr. Bhatia,
Ref’ to the below mail from Mr. Iqbal. Unfortunately, the situation does not allow to process the payment. However, since you have used “Villa Hotels” logo in your website etc… for couple of days. I would appreciate if you could let us know any related costs for that.
Best Regards & well wishes
16th August, 2012
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
with a cc to 'Ahmed Anwar' <anwar@villacollege.edu.mv>
Mr. Muaviyath Umar, Executive Director , Villa Hotels
& Iqbal Adam
Mentioning the Following :
1) You sent us the USD confirmation on 1st August, 2012.
2) We received your Brand LOGO on 2nd August, 2012. Same day it was loaded on the website and the web link was emailed to you.
3) Over 2 hundred 50 thousand emailers have been sent since then all across with your LOGO.
4) Besides that we couriered the Invitation Cards on 10th August 2012 which was received by your office on 12th August 2012. Similarly Invitation Cards were sent all across by DHL.
Considering so much work has gone by the cost is USD 20000 for which the Brand Visibility has been provided. I urge you to transfer the USD 20000 (US DOLLARS TWENTY THOUSAND ONLY) to the following account by Tuesday the 21st August 2012 failing which I am forced to do a public withdrawal of all awards conferred Individually and to your organization.
With all the Bank Transfer Details Once again
After Several Reminders and Emails Iqbal Adam replied on 27th August
27th August, 2012
Iqbal Adam
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
Dear Dr. Bhatia,
Good day to you.
I am waiting for our Chairman, Hon.Mr.Qasim, and I am really trying to come to you with a farm response from our chairman.
Please trust me and hereafter do communicate to me instead of Dr.Anwar and Mr.Muawiath in this regard.
With Warm Regards
27th August, 2012
Iqbal Adam
Dr. R. L. Bhatia, Founder World CSR Day & India’s Greatest.com
Mentioning the Following :
Dear Dr.Bhatia,
I am apologies for late replying and kindly please find the attachment as my revert,
With Warm Regards
Iqbal Adam.
Please find below the letter for your kind perusal.
30th August 2012.

Dear Dr.Bhatia,
Hope you are fine and in good health.
Foremost, I wish to apologize for the miscommunication. Since our initial communication, I have put all the efforts to clear the communication issue between all the stakeholders involved in the highlighted process.
Unfortunately, due to our Chairman’s inconceivable busy schedule in the past couple of days, I was not able to meet and discuss the issues we had during this process. However, I met with him yesterday and have discussed the delaying/unclear payment process issues with him.
After yesterdays meeting with our Chairman, it is quite apparent that he was very much under the impression that the amount was $2500 (two thousand five hundred dollars) not $ 25,000(twenty five thousand dollars). By some means this communication error has occurred.
Dear Sir, Mr. Qasim Ibrahim always honours his commitments. He is not an individual who would provoke anyone to dishonor any agreed terms. Further, with his and company’s colossal financial difficulties, he has ‘been putting all his efforts to help any such invents and/or individuals who need his help.
Sir, this is a genuine communication error. We do agree that this is an apologetic situation; regardless, I thought I would share the highlighted points accordingly. It is not our intention to create a barrier between two parties. I apologize for the miscommunication and would appreciate it if we could resolve this matter.
I regret any inconvenience this inadvertent matter may have caused.
Thank you very much.
Iqbal Adam
Secretary to Hon.Qasim Ibrahim.

Thanking you
Yours Sincerely
Dr. R. L. Bhatia
World CSR Day