HeyWalla 2013

We are dedicated to support those who are working so hard and so tirelessly to restore the lost Maldives. "Anne'h Dhivehi Raajje" proved futile. We want our Dhivehi Raajje Back.
All good Maldivians send in your articles, opinions and messages to Heywalla 2013 for publication. My email is
Thank you.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Commonwealth and the Maldives

By Athif Ali
Commonwealth has put Maldives on the agenda in 2012 hoping they could destroy Maldivian society. Many secret meetings were held with Commonwealth Officials and the Maldivian Democratic Party (popularly known as Maldivian Dangerous People) in London. A close aide of Nasheed in the MDP’s echelon revealed the agreement with commonwealth and Nasheed as blatant and unbelievable. A Commonwealth top official in the London Office was promised a resort in Maldives if he moved Commonwealth to support Nasheed claim to presidency and pressure the current President to resign.

However absurd and dirty the deal is, the truth is just this. All these years when Nasheed’s government committed atrocities in Maldives, the Commonwealth turned a blind eye.  They said it was a domestic issue and that the people should decide. But today all issues both domestic and those addressed in the constitution has suddenly come to the attention of the Commonwealth and everything has to be done in accordance with Commonwealth wishes. This is so, because it’s a deal given to the commonwealth; riches for life from the Maldivian people only revenue tourism.  How dirty and barbaric can anyone be more than this?

The Maldivians today despise the Commonwealth. Every street corner and in every household the Commonwealth is seen as a Goliath trying to crush the little Maldives. The Maldivian Media gives a very virtuous account of Commonwealth bullying tactics on Maldives.  It’s like a leach preying on the vulnerability of this small island nation.  The reality is sad; the very institutions we thought would help us are pressurizing us and robbing us of our pennies just to keep them rich and happy (typically like the Sheriff of Nottingham). How could the rest of the Nations of the Commonwealth ignore and stand by in silence to watch the CMAG go ahead pressuring the legal Government to resign and restore to power a vicious mad and a dangerous man into power to keep the citizens under a tyrant.  It is not a surprise to us; CMAG members are mounting pressure on Maldives, because they were promised resorts in if they help Nasheed (the Maldivian Dictator and tyrant) come into power.

The Maldivian People must never give up hope. This country belongs to us. Neither Nasheed nor Commonwealth did anything to help the Maldives prosper. The defiance of the Maldivian People would prevail however poor we are, we are still nation of freedom loving people.  This is our land our native land. No Maldivian is going to bow to the pressures of Nasheed the Tyrant or the Commonwealth that has cut a deal with Nasheed.

We Maldivians urge Commonwealth Nations and the Queen, to look into the matter. History will not be kind to you, when such corrupt deals are made with rouge un-patriotic people like Nasheed.  Honorable Leaders of democratic Nations must not allow such dirty deals to be made during your watch.

(Heywalla2013 is not responsible for content of articles submitted by individuals on this site)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

One Bold Step in Behalf of Nature . . . One Giant Step for the Future of Mankind and The Maldives

by Dr.Bill Gould

President Mohamed Waheed Hassan in Rio  June 2012

In Rio De Janeiro this week,President Washeed announced that the Maldives would become the first country to declare its entire territory as a marine reserve by 2017, replicating the successful experiment in Baa Atoll begun in 2011. 

As someone who began SCUBA diving in 1959 and was a dive instructor for over 25 years and also as someone who spent some 4 ½ years living and working throughout the Maldives, this was welcomed news to my eyes and ears! In the interests of fair reportage, I must admit that I love the Maldives and I also love the sea and everything in it. Imagine my double delight when I read this article! 

First of all, I must congratulate President Washeed on this bold and decisive move and on making such an amazing announcement. Every bold choice comes with built-in expected and unexpected consequences and challenges. President Washeed has shown he is an iconoclastic thinker and that is something I, often referred to as the Grandfather of Transformational Thinking, admire and respect. Kudos, Mr. President! 

This story should have been the lead story throughout the world’s media outlets. Why? It is the first time any nation has done this. Sadly, it wasn’t the lead story. Why? I will address that question a bit later in this article. 

After a prolonged absence, I returned to America in 2009. I have spent most of my adult life living and/or working outside the States. That represents a period spanning almost 50 years. I have been a dedicated diver even longer than that. I have dived all over the world, including the Red Sea when I lived in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia for eight years. As a writer and a professional underwater photographer, I had countless articles and photographs published in every dive magazine possible during the time I was still engaged in the sport. 

Marine Reserve - Maldives
To me, the Maldives provides one of the most unique and special undersea environments anywhere in the world. To know it is to be preserved in all its pristine beauty for future generations is both edifying and inspirational to me. 

The biggest industries in the Maldives is what I call the Double T, tourism and tuna. This decision will benefit both and, in turn, the Maldivian people, well into the future. That is leadership with vision and that’s another thing I truly respect and admire about President Washeed’s bold decision. 

The sun is rising here in South Florida and, in days past, I used to be in the ocean by now. It isn’t worth it any more. Most of the coral reef and other sea life is gone. I find that not only sad, but almost frightening. This has happened in my lifetime. My grandson will never experience the abundant and vibrant sea life I saw when I first dived these waters in 1959. Hopefully, with this decision, the children of the present generation and their children’s children will not be deprived in the same way. 

I suspect this is also going to open the paths for more international recognition and support for the Maldives, not to mention increased investment by both established and emerging industries. This can only mean good things ahead for the Maldives. 

So why is it not on the front page of every newspaper worldwide? 

I have discovered since my return very few people here in America who even know where the island nation of the Maldives is, much less anything about it. The media would rather focus on negative news than positive items. There are certainly more than enough of the former to fill media’s available time, even with a 24-hour news cycle. Traditional media outlets are gasping like beached fish and they probably won’t make it. They are being replaced by more immediate and personal (editorialized?) outlets such as blogs and the like. It has become all about attracting viewers or readers and that means editing according to audience interest, rather than interesting the audience, making them think and draw their own conclusions. So, how can the Maldives best utilize this opportunity despite the unintentional ignorance of the West? The President’s announcement in Rio was a great starting point. 

In harmony with Nature - Maldives
If I were engaged in any tourist-related business in the Maldives, I would be jumping on this announcement like a hungry lion on a free morsel of food. What a great advertising angle! I suspect I am not the first to come to that conclusion and won’t be the last as others board the train. This is a great opportunity for the Maldives and the Maldivian people. 

So, what about the tuna? I did a lot of work with the tuna industry when I was in the Maldives and was astounded by the entire operation. I remember one of the questions I had back then was, “Can this be sustainable?” Very few people throughout the world understand how much tuna comes from the Maldives. Whether one is dining on tuna in Paris or opening a tin (can) of tuna here in America, most have no idea where it came from. Most don’t care. I do. I do not purchase any tuna that didn’t come from the Maldives. Why? Because I know the waters there are pure. With this decision and announcement, that up’s the ante. If I were involved with the tuna industry, I would put that fact on the label. 

In conclusion, kudos to President Washeed. I salute you, sir, in behalf of the human species and all others. I applaud your inspired leadership and willingness to think not only outside the box, but under the waves of out Mother Ocean. You have done us all a tremendous service. 

Monday, June 18, 2012

What Do We Want for Our Children?

By Dr. Bill Gould
Dr. Bill Gould
A note to all Maldivians. Think and do the right thing.
That is the question. We all know the political pains we have suffered and are still continuing to experience. The path from despotism to democracy is never an easy one. There have been many casualties and collateral damage in its wake but isn’t it time to determine where we want to go from here? This is not about ideology. It is time for clear thinking, consideration of all possible options and wise choices. Those choices must include the future of the Maldives and our children.
The 4 and ½ years I spent living and working in the Maldives were a great experience for me. I fell in love with your country, people and culture. I was able to connect with all levels of the country from grade school children to organizations, corporations and governmental departments. I dealt with your former president and leading individuals from the Opposition Party. I met with your intellectually elite and people on the islands that are the backbone of your nation. You may discount my feelings for The Maldives since I am an American, a foreigner and an infidel but I do not want to make this an ideological argument. You can never discount the love I have for your country.
It is really all about our kids. What kind of reality do you want to create for them? That is the question. Period! Right now, you have the power to decide. They do not. You and you alone will create their future reality and that is why I have decided to step back into the fray.
I was there in Male during many of the riots. Is that what you want to pass along to your children? I don’t think so. Forgive me if I am wrong. I am simply asking a question and not attempting to provide the answers only you can arrive at.
I have been called the Grandfather of Transformational Thinking. That is what I taught all those years in your country. If there is any country in the process of dynamic transformation, it is the Maldives!
Whatever direction you choose, please, for the sake of your children, choose a path that will create greater opportunities for your children than you never considered possible for you in your lifetime. Realize that what you establish now is not about you, but your children.
If you disagree with current political leadership, please do not do so from a militant stance. There are much better and more effective ways of making a point. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King proved that. Shut down the dhonis or the taxis? Close the resorts. Shut down the tuna industry? Is that really what your children need? I think not.
As a father and grandfather, I have done everything possible to create a better future for my son and grandson. That was always my primary concern. Have I always made the best choices possible? No. But I always did the best I could and that is what the people of the Maldives, you, must do now.
I will not take a side in this difference of opinion and ideology. That would violate my position as a philosopher. However, I will offer some suggestions as to thinking. That is what I do.
I am hoping that this article will be a starting point. Can we establish a forum that is based upon the concept of a Free Thinking Zone? Leave your ego, beliefs and preconceptions at the door. Enter with an open mind, heart and spirit.
Stop and look around you. Is this the world you want to pass on to your children? I think not. I believe, worldwide, parents want to create a reality that presents better opportunities for their children than they ever had.
It is within our hands, hearts, minds and souls to come together and do that now. It is simply a matter of choice. It is your choice. It is one you must make now or lose it forever. What kind of future do you want to create for your children?
Love and peace,

(This article was forwarded to Heywalla2013 by an associate and requested to be published. The article and its contents are the property of writer Dr.Bill Gould)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Nasheed's Racist Twist

David Hardingham "Keeper of Nasheed"
One would never have thought that Commonwealth favorite Mr. Mohamed Nasheed was racist.  His British advisor and Keeper Mr. David Hardingham’s  last card in shear desperation has led this little cynical man who resigned from power under the influence of drugs to engage in racist activities as a means to regain power he surrendered on February 07, 2012.  Nasheed’s close aide Hora Ibbe said “I asked him not to go out there on the morning of February 7th. I knew he will blow it, because he was drinking heavily the night before at Muliaage.”

Nasheed’s Addiction to light drugs and alcohol had taken its toll on him. In his letter of resignation to the Speaker of Parliament he wrote, I resign from my position as President of Maldives, because I believe  I may cause harm to Maldives and its people if I stayed any longer as President. 

His exhaustive struggle to regain power, he lost while under the influence of alcohol began the very next day 8th of February. Remarkably it was also the day the table turned. During his watch, Nasheed had ordered the use of pepper spray and rubber bullets on the Itthihaad coalition demonstrations when in power for 26 days. He faced tear gas and pepper spray for the first time on February 8, 2012. The breakup of the demonstrations on February 8th was not nearly as violent as it was in the preceding days of demonstrations by Itthihaad. However, the western press reported otherwise.

Now having exhausted all other means of mounting pressure, intimidating, disturbing the peace in the community, Nasheed has resorted to a unique racist approach.  The latest of his racist acts is to depict President Mohamed Waheed as a crow. Why? Because Dr. Waheed is born dark skinned, and the crow is black.   

This latest plan is masterminded Mr. David Hardingham a British national and Christian preacher, Racist and Keeper of Mr. Nasheed.  Britain has yet to rid itself of the appalling racist ideology that was rooted in most all British colonies during the hay days of the British Empire.  Chair of Britain’s Commission for Racial Equality Trevor Phillips accused Britain of "sleepwalking toward apartheid" He said Britain is fragmenting into isolated racial communities.  

The BBC has reported that the latest crime statistics appear to support Phillips' concerns. They show that race-hate crimes increased by almost 600 per cent in London in the month after the July 7 bomb attacks, with 269 more offences allegedly "motivated by religious hatred" reported to the Metropolitan Police, compared to the same period last year.

MDP Poster used in Demonstrations
MDP supporters rally the streets of Male with caged crows, and posters of President Waheed’s head in a crow's picture representing color hatred.  Nasheed and the MDP cult have put  Hardingham’s racist plan into full operation in Maldives.  Nasheed has shown his true colors. Without doubt he is the most terrible person that Maldives ever saw in the darn age in time.  One could without reasonably attribute  Nasheed in Maldives to Hitler in Europe for spreading so much hate and animosity among a nation.  So much pain and agony has been endured by the people, Nasheed with his cultic seduction, has managed to take control of the minds of young people supplying them small doses of drugs, and secure places to engage in extra marital "free" sex. 

In his dire desperation the MDP cult has engaged Black magic and sorcery  to force President Dr. Mohamed Waheed out of Office.  Smoking rituals are a daily occurring in the Usfasgandu.  A police raid on the Usfasgandu area revealed material that were used in  sorcery practice tied to the wings of the crows that were caged, and branches of shrubs and bushes.

These are symptoms of cultic beginnings.  With the blessing of the Commonwealth leadership particularly the CMAG and a few in the CW Secretariat whose names we wish not to reveal for the moment,  Mr. Nasheed continues his campaign of vandalizing and destroying its social fabric of our society, calling for change of the constitution to accommodate religious pluralism in the country.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Commonwealth Crusade

Kamalesh Sharma Secretary General of Commonwealth

Ever since Mohamed Nasheed resigned from office as President of Maldives, his friends and allies in the west particularly in England mounted undue pressure on the Maldivian Government claiming he was deposed in a coup d’état.  The Commonwealth under pressure from the British based pressure group “The Friends of Maldives” suspended Maldives from CMAG and placed Maldives on its formal agenda.

In an unexpected twist of events Commonwealth called for “Early Elections” in the Maldives to support Mr. Nasheed’s call regardless of the fact it was aware that there was no provision for an “Early Elections” in the current Constitution of Maldives.

The enhanced mandate of the CMAG approved in Perth in October 2011 allowed it to place a country on its agenda only if there was
  1. Unilateral abrogation of a democratic constitution or serious threats to constitutional rule
  2. The suspension or prevention of the lawful functioning of parliament or other key democratic institutions
  3. The postponement of national elections without constitutional or other reasonable justification
  4. The systematic denial of political space, such as through detention of political leaders or restriction of freedom of association, assembly or expression.”

Commonwealth is blinded to the demonstrations in
Maldives against Nasheed. 
None of the above conditions occurred in the Maldives. The transition of power that took place on February 7, 2012 was peaceful and was in accordance with the Law of the Land as prescribed in the Constitution. When an incumbent President resigns or the post becomes vacant for any reason, the Vice President is required to take the post of President.  Despite the realities, CMAG has insisted on keeping Maldives on its agenda. The Commonwealth Ministerial Mission that visited Maldives from 17-19 February and was unable to determine whether any of the above four conditions exists in the Maldives.

President Waheed reiterated his willingness to cooperate with the Commonwealth despite the fact that, the CMAG lacked the mandate to place the Maldives on its agenda. His Administration cooperated with the Commonwealth and accepted what he called were reasonable suggestions that would make the outcome of the Commission of National Inquiry CNI; an Inquiry Commission setup by Presidential decree to investigate into the events that led to the resignation of Mohamed Nasheed then president on February 07, 2012, credible and acceptable to all parties concerned.

The latest odyssey the Government is confronted with by the Commonwealth-Nasheed Alliance is Nasheed’s claim for representation in the CNI.  This claim is vehemently backed by Sir Donald MacKinnon former Secretary General and now special envoy to the Maldives.  There seem to be a clandestine sentiment for Mr. Nasheed by the out of fashion Colonial Organization, the Commonwealth.

Under pressure from Commonwealth, the government agreed to allow a retired foreign judge and a representative of Nasheed to sit on the panel. To make it look good the Commonwealth recommended the government agree to the following selection criteria.  It was recommended that the selected individual
  • Be a person of integrity with high ethical, moral and professional standards with at least an undergraduate degree from a recognized university
  • Not have been politically active during the past two years
  • Not have held a Cabinet post or served as a member of the People’s Majlis during the past two years
  • Not have taken a public stand on the events of 7 February 2012.”

Nasheed has forwarded nearly ten names, non that falls within the agreed criteria. Commonwealth pressure on the government remains unabated to accept Nasheed’s recommendations despite the fact. The names suggested by Nasheed are:
1. Mr. Mohamed Aslam (Minister of Housing and Environment in Nasheed’s Cabinet at the time of the resignation);
2. Ms. Shifa Mohamed (Minister of Education in Nasheed’s Cabinet at the time of the resignation and MDP activist entrusted in organizing rallies against Government Ministers.);
3. Mr. Hassan Latheef (Minister of Human Resources, Youth and Sports in Nasheed’s Cabinet at the time of the resignation and MDP activist, who has been assigned to act as the lawyer to MDP unconstitutional activities);
4. Ms. Hudha Ahmed (a cousin of Nasheed and MDP activist)
5. Ms. Aishath Velezinee (a State Minister in Nasheed’s Government at the time of the resignation and MDP activist, who is the assigned to undertake covert social media operations)
6. Mr. Bandhu Ibrahim Saleem (former Managing Director of Maldives Airport Company Limited, who is married to Nasheed’s wife’s aunty),
7. Ms. Fareesha Abdulla (former Under Secretary, Legal Affairs, at the President’s Office at the time of the resignation)
8. Ms. Hisaan Hussain (former legal affairs Secretary in the Nasheed administration and MDP activist, who is presently working on hate mongering on the social media like Facebook)
9. Ms. Mariya Didi  (former MDP Chairperson, current contender for the MDP President and MDP activist)
10.Lieutenant Colonel Zubair Ahmed Manik (uncle of Nasheed and serving member of Maldives National Defense Force)

In a press release, Sir Donald said: “It is imperative that confidentiality is preserved while these sensitive discussions are ongoing in order to provide space for the parties to reach a desirable outcome.”  This is the limit of secrecy and tolerance that Donald and Commonwealth would ensuring for this ludicrous criminal Mohamed Nasheed (former President), who masterminded the torching of the police stations and court houses in the Southern Atoll of Addu.
Britain through its engine designed to sustain colonialism; the Commonwealth is replaying the ugly role it played in India during India’s struggle to free itself form the thievery of England.

“Commonwealth of Nation” as it is called is made up of former colonies of the “British Empire”. Britain along with Australia and Canada normally opt to insidious methods of living its colonial and racist past to exercise control over the former colonies through the Commonwealth of Nations.  Clearly, in this 21st century, one country or an organization meddling with the internal affairs of another is barbaric and unacceptable.  Nonetheless, CMAG and the Secretary General of Commonwealth and its ambassadors feel it quite justified in bullying the little country striving to overcome and put behind the colossal economic mismanagement and unconstitutional activities that Nasheed has left behind.

The Government of Maldives wrote to the Secretary General of the colonial organization Mr. Kamalesh Sharma, but to no avail. He felt justified in going along with the former President Mr. Nasheed. Clearly commonwealth sympathies are with Nasheed and the Colonial Organization is clearly blinded.  Whereas Mr. Kamalesh Sharma should be demanding an investigation into the suspension of the constitution and the kidnapping of the Criminal Court Head Judge Abdulla Mohamed by the military on the orders of Nasheed, and those economic and social crimes Nasheed engaged in during his three year  tenure in office, Kamalesh feels quite justified in ignoring these hideous crimes, and continues to mount pressure on the government in Maldives to probe into Nasheed’s claim that he was ousted in a military coup.

The Commonwealth's Boy Nasheed vicious and wicked.
  surprising semblance of Hitler in Nasheed.
The cynical intention and manner of the Commonwealth becomes apparent from their press release, where the “Commonwealth urged the preservation of the confidentiality of matters related to the CNI after Nasheed had expressed concern over the government publicizing his every nomination to the Commission”.  Commonwealth seems to accept Nasheed playing his immature childish game of sending in names of relatives and cronies to be placed on the CNI a position that Commonwealth advocated on behalf of Nasheed.

Vicious and Wicked
surprising semblance of Nasheed in Hitler
To the Commonwealth the Maldivian people has just this to say, would you care to come to Maldives and see for yourself who is behind the crimes against our society committed in the name of democracy? Who is using drugs, and prostitution as a means of attracting the youth and in the process destroying the social fabric of the country in the name of freedom rallies? And who is spreading the gospel of hate, animosity and decent amongst the population through hate speeches in the name of freedom of speech? These issues are apparent the moment one sets foot on the once peaceful and lovely islands. Now torn apart by this venomous ex-president who lured the people into believing he is a democrat.

People who advocate democracy and freedom of speech before coming to power once in power ruthlessly subdue the people and sows the seed of tyranny and autocracy to remain in power. Among the classical examples are Nasheed of Maldives, Mubarak of Egypt and Gadhafi of Libya.