HeyWalla 2013

We are dedicated to support those who are working so hard and so tirelessly to restore the lost Maldives. "Anne'h Dhivehi Raajje" proved futile. We want our Dhivehi Raajje Back.
All good Maldivians send in your articles, opinions and messages to Heywalla 2013 for publication. My email is
Thank you.

Monday, January 30, 2012

The Flip flopping character of Mohamed Zuhair (Juhaa)

The Gazi is not with us I don't know where he is.
hey, it's a Joke.. Don't take me too seriously.
The Dictator President of Maldives Mohamed Nasheed is lucky to get the spokesperson which suits best his own character, notorious Mohamed Zuhair. Better known as “Juhaa” the court jester. Coincidently he is the best person ever to be the spokesperson for Anni.

Mohamed Zuhair has a reputation for not answering questions, he generally wanders into ecstasy with a statement from his brain and not answer to the question he was asked.  This appears to have been true even during his school days, and is believed to be one of the reasons why he failed all the exams in school, ending up as a wanderer getting involved in drug abuse and addition, subsequently sentenced many times for drug and substance abuse.

The days during his imprisonment, led to the increase in this phenomena.  His close friends have confessed that they had great difficulty in conversing with him. He always starts with a NO to everything, gives irrelevant examples and after much argument would suddenly say YES, and within a spilt second say NO again. This approach drives rational people into a metal delirium.  Many are inclined to think that he doesn’t have a mental problem but is simply arrogant and irrational. But in actual fact Zuhair (Juhaa) suffers from an acute mental disorder.

This problem generally is difficult to recognize, but one should have many conversations with such a patient to identify the inconsistency in his arguments. However, President Nasheed (Anni) is lucky to have Juhaa, because Anni himself is suffering from a similar mental condition that is susceptible to colossal forgetfulness. Anni never remembers what he promises and promises what he doesn’t remember. But such people who suffer from this extreme subtle mental condition generally do not spectacle any outward abnormalities, but journalists,  pressmen and political analysts often see the imperative of discord in opinions and actions of such people.

Generally such people do not gain national recognition. But unfortunately Maldivians have inherited one such President and a spokesperson. Rational Maldivians trying to make sense of what these guys of talk and promise and are finding it increasingly difficult to comprehend. Many have stopped listening to the many talk shows and radio programs in which Anni or Juhaa appear, simply because, it drives listeners nuts and crazy. The listener baffles all day and night trying to make sense of what they have been hearing. Political critics go crazy trying to understand their point. TV journalist never figures out what their point of view. On many occasions, they would contradict their own view point in two different TV interviews.  If they give a speech, on a particular issue they are everywhere, flipping and flopping, no particular issue, or point of view. The President’s speeches are bundles of riddles, were audience are left baffled and confused.

When asked about the constitution answer you’d get is about a project the government is carrying on. When asked about a project the answer would be about a presidential trip, and on it goes the list is never ending. This is what has happened to the MDP party members.  Every night they listen to crazy speeches that cause a disillusion and the audience is taken into a stance where they are neither here nor there. Utterly confused, their faculties of ethical reasoning totally shut down like animals their only goal becomes to live and prey on the opposition, becoming a prey themselves.

“People in mental hospitals are easy to understand because they suffer from extreme conditions, but the metal health of our leaders is much more subtle”.

Friday, January 27, 2012

The People will Prevail...

Article forwarded by Moosa Ali/Udheresvilla, Male 

Defiant and hot tempered  as ever.  President Nasheed is
 considered a threat to the Nation 

President Nasheed's stupidity has plunged the nation into chaos, His demonstration of stupidity and in experience of leadership, has ruined the international reputation and the economy of this once so called the paradise. Maldivians had great hope when they elected a new president in 2008, but to their dismay the hope changed to military gaining over this drug addict president and military's heavy handedness leading to arbitrary arrests and abduction of innocent citizens not giving them their basic constitutional rights. The Military abducting judges, threatening the media, wearing terrorist gear and stoning TV stations, and spending taxpayer’s money as if it’s their own money are some of the evil atrocities.

Every night the Maldivian military with mask covered faces forcefully enter homes and terrorize innocent people sleeping peacefully while the abduction of people continues. And like the silence of the lambs, the victims cry all night, only to find out at dawn a loved one has been abducted.

Night after night citizens protest, begging the military to act within their constitutional powers, but to no avail the police and the military brutally crush their protests with tear gas, pepper spray, and stun guns. Nightly scores get arrested and many get treated in hospitals, some for major baton injuries.

Major General of the Maldivian Armed Forces Moosa Jaleel had been a very popular figure with the public. But due to his association with this Dictator Mohamed Nasheed, Moosa Jaleel is being seen as aiding this Dictator to stay in power, even when 80% of the Citizens are against the Nasheed regime.

The Independent Institutions like the Supreme Court, High court, and the lower court has condemned the actions of President Nasheed as unconstitutional and against the newly adopted constitution of Maldives. Abducting judges like Chief Justice Abdulla Mohamed at night by the anti-terrorist force of the military, just because he refused to execute summary detention of political opponents.

A Prominent Parliamentarian and a popular lawyer, Nasheed (Kutti) during the demonstration against the abduction of judges addressed to the armed forces personnel standing beside the demonstrators said, "even if you crush me with all your might, every drop of my blood will still say that the abduction of Justice Abdulla Gazee is illegal and unconstitutional".

The hunger for democracy and freedom is unrelenting. The citizens of Maldives are not going to surrender to another dictator. President Nasheed is mistaken. The families of the military and the police lives amongst the very public they beat and use pepper spray. Every tear the public shed would eventually translate into anger and determination. 

Their wrath would ultimately translate into reciprocity against the fellow citizens who are abusing the power vested by the citizens.

There is no wall high enough
There is no ocean wide enough
There is no abyss deep enough
There is no army strong enough
To stop the sacrificial errand making his rounds

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

President Nasheed in contempt of Court over case of abducted Judge Abdulla Mohamed

Police Brutality in Maldives
The heavy handed approach of Nasheed is showing signs of leaks and cracks in his government.  On Sunday, the Foreign Minister supposedly asked the United Nations to mediate in the ongoing standoff with the opposition that is making its way into the second week.  Ahmed Naseem wrote to the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights the notoriously popular Navanethem (Navi) Pillay, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights asking for a team of senior foreign jurists to mediate.

In his letter Mr. Naseem wrote, “The opposition protests by roughly 300 people have resulted in minor violence and scores of arrests, and follow a series of similar struggles over the past year which has begun to feature hardline Islamic rhetoric”.  It remains for the UNHCHR team to see and witness the protests of “roughly 300 people” or a gathering in their thousands, congregating and protesting peacefully every night tirelessly wowing to continue their struggle until President Nasheed toe the line.

Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed 
The Criminal Court Chief Judge Abdulla Mohamed’s summary abduction by the Military on orders from President Nasheed sparked the nationwide protests.  However, it was the cumulative result of anger and discontent of the public over the government’s aristocratic type rule and its refusal to accommodate the demands of the December 24th 2011 peaceful demonstration, which also demanded an apology from Navi Pillay for her blasphemous speech addressed to the Maldivian Parliament in 2011. 

Navi Pillay UNHCHR
Navi Pillay is a catalyst to the current situation; it was her little speech to the parliament that sparked this situation which has now spun out of control and is causing much pain, suffering and hurting both the government and people. It is unlikely that a positive outcome will result from any mediation which will fall short of an apology from Pillay.  The more concerning question that awaits an answer is if the UN can mediate a legitimate and amicable solution on the case of Nasheed government’s contempt of Court and its standoff with the Supreme Court Ruling. Mr. Nasheed is in contempt of the Supreme Court ruling to release Justice Abdulla Mohamed.

A comment by an anonymous reader of this blog makes me wonder if “Nasheed's actions actually have the features of a well-designed agenda”. Perhaps it does, the reader states, “It all started with the UN Human Rights Commissioner, Navi Pillay's little speech to the parliament - It has now again gone back to her with a request from the Dictator to involve what Foreign Minister Naseem calls ‘UN legal expertise’”. Will the opposition yield to anything short of an apology?

Scary comments from the public include, “The bells continue to ring an unless Maldivian opposition leadership take heed of these warning bells, depose the Dictator and drum out the entire regime, the word ISLAM will be totally erased from the Maldivian constitution.” Could that be true? It remains to be seen if Mr. Nasheed can muster sufficient votes in parliament pass such a bill.

President Nasheed Commander -in-Chief
Anger over abusive statements made by the President towards Islam and mockery towards Prophet Mohamed is at an all-time high among both the population in Male and more so in the Islands.  Nasheed, who has been President for little over 3 years, has virtually destroyed the constitutional government of the country. By the end his five years in office he would be leaving behind a legacy of greed, corruption and debt that Maldivians would struggle for decades to overcome. Mohamed Nasheed has begun a dirty and vicious campaign to gain control of all the three powers of Government in Maldives with the help of a revolutionary group of military commanders in the MNDF.

Like his predecessor, Nasheed enjoys to pause for a photograph in Uniform as Commander -in-Chief.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A “BRIDGE”: the Last Promise of a Failing Dictator.

Submitted by Capt. Shafiu Gasim
The Last Promise: A BRIDGE between Male and Hulhumale.

In one form or another Maldives was ruled by a Dictator since time immemorial. As the society progressed and its people became educated, the push for democracy and freedom intensified. Finally, in 2008 President Gayoom had to succumb to the pressure from the public and Alas! Maldivians got the Democracy and Freedom they called for. 

During the campaign of the first free and fair elections, the last promise Mr. Gayoom made to the people was a “Bridge”.  It was going to be a Bridge between Male and Hulhumale. It was the last sigh of the ailing President who had run out of promises, short of fame, heavy with brutality, and forgotten moralities.
The election results confirmed Mohamed Nasheed better known as Anni to be President of Maldives from 2009 to 2013.  He came into power on a platform of promises to reinstate a better economy, better salaries, better transportation, lower prices, and houses for the homeless, and a state of art health program for all Maldivians.

Maldivians were more than willing to forgive Anni, for the blunders made due to his inexperience in public office at least during the honeymoon period of this new presidency. But as the days passed by the phenomena of Anni blundering became his usual way of decision making; like a dumb kid not learning from his own mistakes and repeating them. This led to the rise of the public’s agitation to a level of no return.

Anni’s disregard for democratic rational and values, ignoring Court decisions even those of the Supreme Courts of the land and in his zeal for protests and unrest coupled with his eloquence for rude speeches, dismayed the Public to a deeper abyss of hopelessness and mistrust in his leadership. All this added up to Public outrage on to the streets of Male. Day by day, the once peace loving people of Maldives became an antagonized public facing the brutality of an arbitrated Police force on its streets. 

To calm the situation and the anger of the people, Anni dug deep into the textbooks of Autocratic rulers; easily available by his bedside was the book on “The Deeds of Gayoom”, the very man he contested and won. In his dismay and desperation, with no one to turn to and no time to spare, he flipped through the pages to the final chapter of the book; THE LAST PROMISE. Panic stricken Anni found salvation.  It was the promise of a BRIDGE; the bridge between Male and Hulhumale.

Remarkably, like the last sigh of a once ailing President who had run out of promises in 2008, President Nasheed too; short of fame, heavy with brutality, and forgotten moralities wasted no time to announce his “BRIDGE” between Male and Hulhumale.

The thought may have come a little too late, for one could interpret the situation Anni the President of Maldives is in as catastrophic; a State of the Nation where

1.  Military abducting Chief Justice and political opponents.
2. Supreme Court Judges intimidated and terrorized by ruling party (MDP) thugs
3.       Daily protests both by the government and the opposition running late into the night
4.       Arbitrary arrests of citizens opposed to MDP by the Police Force have become a routine.
5.   Opposition Parliament Members are summarily arrested with brutal force.
6.       Economy has been brought down to its knees.
7.       Unemployment level is at an all-time high
8.       The evil is flourishing:  young men and women are flocking to take part in the Para military force of the ruling party.
9. High ranking government figures tendering resignation are on the rise
10.   Gang culture is on the rise, ruling the streets of male, terrorizing the public.
11.   Police force is incapable of stopping street violence, preoccupied by political vendetta assignments
12.   Free media is warned, it would be shut down if anti governments sentiments are aired.
13.   Social fabric of the society is torn to pieces
14.   All democratic institutions set up by the 2008 constitution is paralyzed
15.   The Maldivian dream is nearing its end.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

When Good Men Do Nothing

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing” that’s not just what Edmund Burke said, It is true and absolutely correct. In whichever way you look Evil triumphs when good men do nothing.

Time and again those who profess to be good seem to clearly outnumber those who are evil, yet those who are evil seem to prevail far too often. Seldom do numbers determine the outcome, what matter is if those who claim to be good men are willing to stand up and fight for what’s right. We have seen this sad and awful scenario being played out over and over again throughout the world amongst different peoples, and it is happening right here in Maldives today.

When good men do nothing, they get nothing good done. To be good, one must do good. It is sad and disturbing to note that too many good Politicians and the many Independent institutions formed by acts of Majlis to secure and protect sanity in our society are doing nothing. They are standing idly by, they are mere spectators. They are sitting on the sidelines instead of actively participating and working for the good. If good wins, they’d be happy to join in the celebration though they did nothing to produce the victory. If evil wins, they would still as traitors to the constitution and people of Maldives have secured their mean and personally vested interest and claim it was not their apathy that helped produce the undesirable result.

When good men do nothing, evil triumphs, and evil men must be opposed. Allah commands to all those who are good, not just to avoid evil but actively oppose it. All those who do nothing about sin and evil, do in fact help the sin and evil to prevail. One who is silent when evil is around him becomes a partaker with evil. The silence of the people speaks volumes of their indecisiveness and inaction. Their failure to stand up, speak up and speak out permits wicked and evil men to run rampant. The failure to stand for what is morally right is the prelude for what is criminally wrong.

To the Police and the Military of the Maldives I have to say "He who is not with the Law is against the Law”. In the fight against evil there is no middle ground, there is no gray area, and no neutrality. Those who are not actively and vigorously fighting against evil are helping evil to triumph. As law enforcement people you know that the Force of Law will catch up with its perpetrators, if now today, tomorrow, and you shall be judged by your own actions.

When good men do nothing, they are no longer good. Many have the mistaken notion that good is merely the absence of doing that which is wrong. Not so! One is good not merely because he does no evil, but because he is actively working for what is good.

The conduct of this government is absolutely shameful. What about those supposedly "good" men who do nothing? Those who stand on the other side and watch the constitution of Maldives is being slandered, crushed and devoured, they cease being innocent bystanders and idle spectators. Their failure to act not only allows evil to triumph, but makes them just as guilty as the spiritual cannibals they refuse to reprove and rebuke. Today, the Chief Judge of the Judiciary of Maldives has been kidnapped on the orders of President Nasheed, tomorrow it may be you, or your loved one. 

Be not deceived; those who fail or refuse to do good in the face of evil are sowing dangerous seeds. They are doing nothing good they are helping evil to win and have ceased being good and have become partakers of the evil they did nothing to stop. And fear not the consequences of opposing the evil of the wrong doers, for Allah favors those who fear Him. 

Do not allow evil to triumph. Do not sit by and do nothing. Stand up and be counted, speak up against evil and speak out against evil men and their evil deeds. A person may cause evil to others not only by his actions, but by his inactions, and in either case; he is justly accountable to them for the injury.

"He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Maldivian Spring has begun:

The beginning of the Maldivian Spring

Today Maldivians are witnessing a popular uprising against the Government. Maldivian Spring has begun.  Eighty per cent of the population in Maldives now wants a change in Government. There are many reasons for this; Nasheed came into power promising the people democracy and freedom of speech and the outgoing President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom who was forced to sign the new constitution has gave the Maldivian citizens freedom of thought and speech and brought in democracy for all citizens of Maldives.

However, today the people President Nasheed thought would guide him and give him good advice has taken the opportunity to take advantage of the new power they have got and has rupted the government into corruption never ever seen in thousand years in Maldivian History even when the Kings were ruling. Close aides and party top shots of MDP has siphoned out state funds and taken bribes from state public enterprises. This has forced President into a “catch 22” situation.

If he goes against the cronies and party top shots they are ready to dump him. (A party coup once cropped up and Nasheed managed to crush it). Hence the only alternative he has to allow the party top brass to get corrupt and keep his fingers crossed in the hope that he could bluff his way through the 2013 elections.

This strategy is very naïve of President Nasheed. He is counting on the armed forces and the police to protect him against the citizens. The top Brass of both the Armed Forces and the Police have been given massive amounts of cash to build their houses and take luxurious vacations on state funds.

Hoping to win the support of the citizens, President Nasheed unveils a medical scheme for all Maldivians. But little did he realize that the citizens are today smart enough to understand the short comings of this makeshift medical scheme. On the whole the scheme would face it own demise in 10 months due to unsustainability.

In spite of all these dazzling stuff to dwindle the citizen like a rattle snake, shaking its rattle. The Maldivian citizens have figured out that this is a real snake. And the overwhelming majority of people are now fed up of this undemocratic president Nasheed. 

As a result  Nasheed cronies are now attacking the free media and the intelligent opposition lawyers for exposing  the corruption and mismanagement of state funds. Nevertheless, victory is for the true citizens of Maldives. 

Friday, January 13, 2012

A War worth winning!

Article forwarded by Moosa Ali/Udheresvilla, Male 

Dictator Nasheed 
The Maldivian government under Nasheed has begun a brutal crackdown of the free speech in Maldives. It was during the 30 year regime of President Gayoom towards the last days of the regime, Gayoom was forced to accept a new constitution that gave all Maldivians the freedom of thought and expression. Nasheed used this opportunity to bash the Gayoom’s Regime and the media backed him and with all these weapons Nasheed came into power. 

Unfortunately for the Maldivians, they gave power to a massive vicious wolf in a sheep skin. Nasheed's first years in power was consolidating both the police and the military under his direct control. Then he moved to control the judiciary by ordering the military to lock up the Supreme Court and arrest and bring the Chief Justice to the military headquarters where he sat with the military top brass and intimidated the Chief Justice. After much pressure from the International Embassies and the opposition political parties in the Parliament, Nasheed released the Chief Justice and came to a compromise to elect a new Supreme Council with a new Chief Justice of his choice. 

Then he moved to control the finances of the nation. How? By attacking the parliament appointed Governor of Maldives Monetary Authority. He summoned the Governor to the President’s Office and threatened him to print new money and release money from the reserves for the government. Ultimately the Governor had to give something to this blood thirsty wolf and did release some money from the reserves to the government. Then he started attracting the governor thought his cronies in the parliament and put forward a vote of no confidence of the Governor, matter still pending.

His next target was to intimidate the opposition party leaders and keep them in fear. Suddenly he asks the whole cabinet to resign, and asks all his cabinet members to get on to the streets and protest against the parliament to forcefully reject the Finance bill that checks his lavish unscrupulous spending of state funds. On this pretext he came on TV and said that opposition parliamentarians are using bribes to buy votes in the parliament and thus out of nowhere with no evidence asked the military to arrest two of the leading opposition members. Finally after Supreme Court’s ruling that it's unconstitutional he was forced to release them. And his next move was to buy parliament members of the opposition. This he successfully did by offering Rf.16,000,000  to each member from state funds and some corrupt members defected.

Next move was sell all public assets to Indians so that he could get the support of the strongest neighbor of Maldives while he moved to rob the citizens of their motherland and freedom. This he did by giving the airport to an ailing Indian company and condition to manage, operate and develop the airport. From where did the funds from? From the treasury of the Maldivians, then he sold some schools, and tried to sell the hospital but did not get a Indian company willing to accept the hospital. 

What next? He has started to devalue the Maldivian rufiyaa which was the strongest in the whole of the south Asian region. The intention is to bring it to align with the Indian Rupee, in so doing he shattered the strong economy to a sick and weak, feeble economy. This has impacted on the citizen’s real wage coming down by 60% overnight, putting over 80% of the people into the poverty trap. 

The story goes along this vengeful prophet of anti-Islam hitting on the bedrock of the nation’s dearly kept faith Islam; the very glue that united the nation for more than eight hundred years. Why? So that the institution of Maldivian faith once cracked would allow animosity and hatred to creep in so that Nasheed could suppress and rule the divided community. As the saying goes on UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL. 

Now his latest move is to suppress the press. Why? Because the press is exposing the illicit corruption and drug dealing of Nasheed’s party top shots and their un-Islamic stance and actions. Is this a democratic move? 

So I say this is a war worth fighting for the sake of democracy, for the sake of Islam, for the sake of Maldives, for the sake of right over wrong and for the sake of our new found freedom. This war with Nasheed the dictator has to be won by the citizens of Maldives. We Maldivians will win this war. Our lives begin and end the day we become silent about things that matter most to us.

Praise be to Allah the most beneficent the most merciful.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Another setback for the President’s efforts to remain in Power

President with his Keeper and Guardian David Hardingham
 (Private meeting on the strategy)

Life has become an uphill battle for the embattled, tired and mistake prone President of Maldives.  Official Press Secretary’s efforts to Damage control are not meeting up to expectations. The Blasphemous statements about Islam, war with the voters over religious pluralism, and broken promises about an El-Dorado destiny under his rule have embattled and plagued the President well into his third year in office.
In an inspirational letter to President Nasheed of Maldives, David Hardingham expresses his aspirations to have the  monumental Islamic Center blown-up and a Cathedral built in its place; "which would be a sitting monument to a place where your own dear father (Kerafa Abdul Sattar) lingered as a prisoner many years ago". Such were the words on the letter from Mr. David Hardingham now Honorary Consul of the Maldives in Salisbury, classmate and “Keeper” of Mohamed Nasheed.

It is evident from the Hardingham letter that talks did take place about introduction of religious pluralism and constitutionally allow a multi-religious society in Maldives.  In so doing, Mr. Nasheed has effectively mislead the church and lied to Hardingham as he has to the people of Maldives.  Given the reality that Nasheed succession to President of Maldives was funded by the Salisbury Church not without conditions, if he fails to erect the Cathedral during this next one year and six months left of his first term, would he be able to get elected for another term in office to fulfill the promise to his financiers? 

MDP insiders believe Nasheed has lost integrity, and is not re-electable.  Few family and die hard Anni supporters believe otherwise.  In a time when the Maumoon Comeback Campaign is catching momentum at an alarming rate, and the Maldivian society is clearly discontent over President Nasheed’s Blasphemous statements towards islam, increasing number of citizens are associating Nasheed to Mr. Salman Rushdie. 

It is not possible for the President to live up to promises he made or to the expectations of the Salisbury Church, given the fact that his popularity rating in Maldives has fallen to an all-time low. It would be interesting to know where his loyalty will lie.  Is it to the voters or the financiers?   The majority of the voters believe President Nasheed conspired against the people and the constitution of Maldives, and came to power with financial support from the Salisbury Church that is now pulling strings on him.  No sympathies and no love lost. 


Sunday, January 1, 2012

Freighted President angered by size and scale of Demonstration spends Christmas in Dhonnakulhi.

Crowds as far as the eye can see gathered on Dec 23 2011  to demonstrate
against  President Nasheed's Government  extremist policies in Maldives.

The message that echoed from the mass demonstration organized against MDP Government on December 23, 2011 was very clear. Nasheed interpreted the call as usual in its very extreme view; not unusual of an extremist.  

What he and the radical government refuse to accept is that prostitution is viewed as a form of slavery in civilized societies and not as liberation of women. In many countries it is banned by law. Although it’s illegal here in the Maldives, Mr. Nasheed and his cabinet seems to view it as a profession worthy of women and a viable source of income for them folks. 

The demonstration was organized by a consortium of political and social parties; Adhalath Party was one of them. They had a five point agenda for Nasheed.
  1. Close the Prostitution houses run in “Male and other inhabited islands registered as Spa’s” during the previous regime.
  2. Withdraw permission if granted for Al El (Israeli Airline) to land in Maldivian Airports
  3. Remove the Buddhist Statues that were put up in Addu to commemorate the opening of the SAARC Summit
  4. Stop the selling of Alcohol in inhabited islands, and contain it to Tourist Resort only
  5. Nasheed apologize to the people for the blasphemous speech given by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navanethem Pillai while on invitation from the President in Maldives to the Citizens Majlis (the Parliament)

The Consortium demanded government closes Spas and Massage Parlors registered in Male and other inhabited islands that engaged in prostitution, not the spa-baths in the resorts. Nasheed who calls himself a moderate, more often than never, always took the extreme view and subsequent action. In this case too he has behaved as an extremist.

The mammoth demonstration of freighting proportion by Maldivian standards went on from 16:00 to the early hours of the next day. Despite repeated efforts, by the Home Minister and the President, the police refused to step in to breakup the peaceful and highly organised demonstration. Nasheed, mad and obsessed opted to take the extremist stand on the five demands to the Government.

Angered by MDP’s failure to organize a counter demonstration, Nasheed retreated to a Donnakulhi Tourist Resort in the north of the country  where he participated in Christmas Celebrations and left for Sri Lanka on (invitation) said a press release from the President’s Office.

Driven by free mason philosophies for the Nasheed’s government staying aloft is becoming a daily fight against established norms in this country. This fight against government and nation has brought the country to its knees. Who prevails is to be seen in 2013.

Signs of decay within the party are already visible, two days ago the Minister of Finance and his Deputy and the state minister for Finance and the State Financial Advisor all resigned in just a span of two days. Nasheed should be looking for Aladdin’s lamp in Muliaage.  

The opposition has wowed to ban MDP after coming to power in 2013 for the mayhem and disruption MDP has caused and brought to these peaceful islands and people that thrived a smiling economy.

The Madman of Maldives

Article forwarded by Moosa Ali/Udheresvilla, Male

Why should we Maldivians ever want to support Mohamed Nasheed (Anni)? Just take a deep breath and think for a while my fellow countrymen. He came to us the name of freedom promising to bring true democracy, instead took us from the frying pan and put us into the fire.

I have ten sentences that will describe the evil President Nasheed has brought upon us:
  1. The economy has been ransacked and has hit rock bottom. We will all feel the pinch.
  2. Nasheed and his activists enjoy on the hard earned money of the citizens collected as taxes.
  3. The social terrain has been torn apart.  Friendly neighbors are now enemies, the good manners have been replaced with hooliganism and gansterism.
  4. Criminals jailed for murder and violent crimes are released from jail to streets to terrorize the people.
  5. Security has been replaced with insecurity, now after dusk Male city turns into a violent may heaven for nocturnal people in MDP camp smoking pot and hashish.
  6. Law and Order has been substituted by chaos and disobedience to the law, keeping the Armed forces and Police under his control, he directly disregards the court rulings and parliament’s deliberations.
  7. Nasheed Uses the Armed Forces to scare warn independent media and involve in acts beyond their jurisdiction. He instructs Police not to arrests the MDP gangs that terrorizing the citizens.
  8. Issues orders to disrupt tourism which is the only major source of revenue to the Maldives
  9. Aids and abet corruption and misuse state funds, pay parliament members from state funds to pass his regulation
  10.  Looks upon the citizens as the enemy and defame Maldivian in the international arena.

Do you deny what I have said? the list is long and endless. The question I have to all good Maldivians is;  Is Nasheed worth to be our President for a minute?  You decide certainly I will not give any support to this Misled Madman.