HeyWalla 2013

We are dedicated to support those who are working so hard and so tirelessly to restore the lost Maldives. "Anne'h Dhivehi Raajje" proved futile. We want our Dhivehi Raajje Back.
All good Maldivians send in your articles, opinions and messages to Heywalla 2013 for publication. My email is
Thank you.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Open letter to Mr. Andrew A Harrison – Chief Executive Officer, INIA, Maldives.

Heywalla2013, please publish this Open letter to Mr. Andrew A Harrison – Chief Executive Officer, INIA, Maldives. (Ali Saleem)

They gave us an Airport 

He took it away from us for a Few Dollars.

So dear Mr. Andrew A Harrison,

Now what? The court ruled against you.

How are you going to collect your $25.00 + another $2.00 for your ADC? Beginning January 01, 2012? Big blow in the face isn’t it?  Short shortsightedness and greed led you to where you are now. Don’t you think it’s better to be an ostrich than a CEO in INIA?  It's “Packing up time” for you Mr. Harrison and your Garrison in the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport.

Managing the airport is not going to be easy anymore. With mentally sick people in your management team people such as Moosa Solih, Mohamed Hassan and relic such as Mohamed Solih. We are watching you closely, we will catch up with you every turn of the corner, no more increasing rents to take back home.  

And please no more kickbacks for favors done. Let us take this opportunity to warn you “DON'T YOU KICK ANY MALDIVIAN OUT OF JOB IN THE NAME OF CUTTING COSTS”. However, if you wish to do so, do away with those who crossed you, provided the framework for legal thought that brought you face to face with your fist major disaster. The most prominent relics are mentioned FYI.  

We were so overwhelmed and happy for our people who grieved over decision of this rouge government to lease the airport to GMR, we thought we’d share our joy and happiness over your first big loss the court case with you.  We as a people are indeed very happy, and to be honest even the members of the rouge government (most of them) rejoice with us.

No matter what Mr. Mohan Nasheed and Razee tell you, don’t think of taxing the poor people of Maldives any more than there already are.  The taxes and levies on us are draining us, with rising costs and falling standard of living, we are now paying through our noses to stay alive hoping and praying 2013 will be sooner and not later.

How are you going to tax the poor locals effective 1st of January 2012? We’d like to be the first passengers to be in your airport on the 1st of January 2012 for departure course. Would you tax us? I think you have some sense of what it means to rip off people. I urge you. Don’t do that. Do away with your rip off policies such as your ADC.

Tell you what. I’d like you to please remove that flash banner on your home page, the one with the advertisement about the ADC effective January 01, 2012... I know you don’t have the guts or the authority to collect tax. So please just remove the banner.
Thanks you. Love you man.

All those who cared for and loved
Our country (Maldives so much)

Friday, December 2, 2011

What an Additional US$25.00 means to us and to the GMR.

THE DETAIL is very simple.

Nasheed’s Government concealed information from the pubic for over two years about the impending ADC that GMR was permitted to levy on departing passengers since the contract was signed on 24th July 2010.

I wonder how many of us know that all departing passengers from Maldives are already taxed. Here’s what we pay now.

a.Every Maldivian Passenger pays an Airport Service Charge of US$12.00  and in addition he pays an Insurance Surcharge of US$2.00  a total of US$ 14.00

b.The Airport Service Charge for Foreigners is a bit higher, its US$ 16.00 coupled with the Insurance Surcharge of US$ 2.00 a total of US$ 18.00.

This Tax is collected by the Airlines that sell the outward journey from Male.  The absolute mess-up of the economy and the rise of the US Dollar from 12.85 to 15.42 with the introduction of the “floating exchange rate band” the US Dollar is now available in the Black Market for Rf 17.50. Effectively, the actual Airport Service Charge for the locals translates to Rf. 245.00 per passenger. 

GMR in their quest for more money is planning to levy an additional Airport Service Charge of US$25.00, rebranded as “Airport Development Charge”, this bring the toll for Locals to US$ 39.00 (Rf. 682.50) and for foreigners to a staggering US$ 43.00

What does this mean? The GMR has the airport until 2032. To see into the future and the kind of money this government has allowed the GMR to make from Maldives for only the cosmetic changes that has been implemented thus far, we developed a trend forecast of only the income of $ 43.00 based on actual data published by the Ministry of Tourism actuals from 2005 to 2010.

The Total revenue from Tourist Arrivals/Departures only that GMR will collect during their contract period is forecasted at US$ 805,319,550.00. (Rf. 12,418,027,461.00)

International Passenger traffic forecast published by GMR indicate a total passenger movement increase from 1,000,000 in 2005 to an amazing 2,000,000 in 2010 with a phenomenal growth projected at 2,750,000 in 2015. These figures projected to year 2032 shows a staggering 5,416,666 passengers using the Ibrahim Nasir International Airport only that year.  The total revenue that would be generated from figures forecasted by GMR totals to a figure US$ 881,562,500.00 Rf. (13,593,693,750.00) by the year 2030.

Airport Development Charges and Taxes are not an alien concept in the Aviation industry. However, such taxes are levied to fund ongoing development projects or part cost of facility development costs. The Service Charges are usually levied as a recurring charge, the proceeds of which go for the maintenance of the Airport facilities. The Development charge has clear cut corners.

1.       Airport Development Charge/Tax is levied to secure part or percentage of the cost of an ongoing Airport Development Project to be secured within a specified period for time.

2.       It cannot be taxed for an indefinite period of time, like an Airport Service Charge.

This new ADC the GMR plans to introduce in 2012 is a blatant disregard for Principles of Airport Management and Good Practices. 

Friday, November 25, 2011

Error in judgment or Cynical intent?

Andrew Harrisson
Ghanaian CEO of Ibrahim Nasir International Airport, 

GMR plans to collect a Charge of $25.00 from all passengers departing to foreign countries from Maldives.
I wonder if this is an error in judgment by GMR  or Cynical intent on the part of the foreign company  managing the airport.

1.       A “charge” is a levy on expenses which have been incurred in relation either to a transaction or to a suit; as the charges incurred for one’s benefit must be paid by a hirer; the defendant must pay the charges of a suit. The term charges, in relation to actions, include something more than the costs, technically called.

2.       Charges should not be levied for expenses not incurred in relation to a transaction.

3.       Since a charge is a levy on a service rendered and not a service to be rendered, once a charge is levied there is no refund. 

4.       GMR in its uncertainty and quest to rob the passengers travelling from Maldives of $25.00 have a unique clause in its notice.
a.    On cancellation of the flight, the payment made will stand as credit in the name of the passenger. The airport copy of the ADC receipt will be returned to the passenger duly stamped “ valid for next flight”
b.      For Credited ADC then the passenger is required to show both the passenger copy as well as the returned airport copy to avoid ADC payment for the next flight.
c.       In the event of passenger cancelling their travel the ADC refund will be made according to the same mode of payment. Cash will be refunded in Cash & Credit card payment will be refunded to card.

5.       It is clear from the clauses above that the so called “ADC” Airport Development Charge is a charge that GMR is charging from passengers (International Passengers) who purchased tickets from airlines companies and operators. Airline is neither owned by GMR nor is this service provided by GMR. In short GMR is levying a “Charge” on passengers for a service that is provided by someone else.

6.       Is this Unique in Maldives. Yes it is.  Airport development costs are secured in the form of taxes for the use of the airport from those who use it. And we are already paying an Airport TAX. This is done to recover the cost incurred for Developing the Airport, and not for managing recurrent expenses of the Company.  Not to raise money for the company coffers.  In all cases it is levied for a limited duration of time during which time the percentage of the cost to be secured from the uses is collected as an “Airport Development TAX”.

7.       Users of Ibrahim Nasir International Airport (INIA) already pay a tax an Airport Tax of US$ 18.00

8.       Understanding the proper use of the word “Charge” as in the dictionaries across the world and it’s most common usage in the English language it would be legally and morally wrong for GMR to levying a charge on the passenger who have bought a ticket to travel abroad from Maldives. A service that GMR does not provide the passenger.

9.       Look at what we already pay
a.       Airport Service Charge of US12.00 (Locals)
b.      Insurance Surcharge of US2.00 (Locals)
c.       Airport Service Charge of US 16.00 (Foreigners)
d.      Insurance Surcharge of US 2.00 (Foreigners)

10.   To sum up, we are already paying for the service and for the insurance of the Airport.
a.       Now if we have to pay for the development of the airport,
b.      then development should come before we have to pay for it.
c.       If this is not a service charge or tax, then there must be a limit in the duration and amount that is collected from customers.
d.      It’s the responsibility of the Shareholders to finance the development not the customers.

In conclusion, I would appreciate your participation in expressing your opposition to GMR's decision to levy such a huge toll on passengers. A charge of US$ 25.00 on all passengers and tourists from Maldives in addition to the US$18.00 that is already included in the sale of the ticket as “Airport Service Charge”. An "Airport Development Charge"  totaling  US$ 43.00 will have ripple effect on our economy, tourism and the local population that depend on travel to neighboring countries for medical.  

Please give your comments honestly and frankly, "Together we are strong, divided we fall"

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Ahmed Assad Isthufaa dhinee tha?

އަޙްމަދް މުޖުތަބާ
އަޚްމަދް އައްސަދް (މިނިސްޓްރީ އޮފް ފައިނާސް ގެ ކުރީގެ ފައިނަންޝަލް ކޮޓްރޯލަރ) އަކީ ފައިނޭންސްގެ ދާއިރާ އިން ވަރަށް ފުންނާބުއުސް، ބޮޑެތި ކާމިޔާބުތަކެއް ޙާސިލް ކުރި މީހެކެވެ. ތްރީއޭ(3އޭ) ކުންފުނި އާއި ހުސޭން ނިޒާރު ގެ ޗެއާރމަން ކަމުގައި ހިންގި މަސްވެރިކަމާއި ބެހޭ ކުންފނި "ރޭޑިޔަންޓްހީޓް" ބަގުރޫޓް ކޮށްލާފައި، އައްސަދުއާއި އެކުވެރިން ކޮޅެއް އުފެއްދި އަމިއްލަ ކޮންސަލްޓަންސީ ކުންފުންޏެއް ވެސް މިފަދައިން ބަންގުރޫޓް ކޮއްލާ، ވޭތުވެ ދިޔަ ހަތަރުވަރަކަށް އަހަރު ތެރޭގައި މިނޫންވެސް މިފަދަ ގިނަ ކާމިޔާބުތަކެއް ހާސިލް ކުރި މީހެކެވެ. 

އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ ގެ ސަރުކާރު ވުޖޫދަށް އައުމާއި ގުޅިގެން، މީނަ ގެ ކާމިޔާބީތަކުގެ އަލީގައި ރައީސް ނަޝީދް ޤައުމުގެ މާލީހާލަތު ރަނގަޅުކުރުމަށާއި، އިކްތިސާތު ހަރުދަނާ ކުރުމަށް އައްސަދަށް ހަވާލުކުރެއްވިއެވެ. އަލްފާސިލް އައްސަދަށް ލިބިލައްވާފައި ވާ ތަޖުރިބާއާއި ހުނަރުގެ އަލީގައި ޤައުމުގެ އިކްތިސާދު ބިނާކުރައްވަން ފެއްޓެވިޔެއެވެ. އައްސަދު ކުރެއްވި ގިނަގުނަ މަސަތްކަތްތަކުގެ ހެޔޮމަންފާ މިޔަދު އަޅުގަޑުމެން ހުރިހާ ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތުން މި ހިއްސާކުރަނީއެވެ. އައްސަދް ރައީސް ނަޝީދަށް ލަފާ އަރުވާ، ދިވެހިންގެ ދިރިއުޅުމާއި އިކްތިސާދަށް ގެނެސްދެއްވެވި އިސްލާހީ ކުރިއެރުންތަކުގެ ތެރެއިން މިދަންނަވާ ކަންތައްތަށް ފާހަގަކޮއްލަމެވެ. 

(1) ދިވެހި ރުފިޔާގެ އަގު ދައްކުރުން. 
(2) ކަންމަތީ ފިހާރާއިން ވިއްކާތަކެތީގެ އަގު ބޮޑުކުރުން. 
(3) ސަރުކާރު ކުންފުނިތަށް ބަންގުރޫޓް ކުރުމުގެ ސިޔާސަތު ތާރަފް  ކުރުން. 
(4) ސަރުކާރުގެ ޚަރަދުތަށް ބޮޑުކުރުން. 
(5) ބަޖަޓަށް އާމްދަނީ ގެ ގޮތުގައި ލިބޭއަދަކު ބޮޑުކަމަށް މަޖިލިހުގެ މެމްބަރުންނަށް ހުވަފެން ދެއްކުން. 
(6) އަލަށް އިސްކުރެވުނު ފިނާންސް މިނިސްޓަރ ގެ މަސަތްކަތަށް ދަތިކުރުން. 
(7) ސަރުކާރުގެ ޚަރަދުތަށް ކުޑަކުރުމުގެ ގޮތުން ކުރިޔަށްވުރެ ބޮޑުކުރުން. 
(8) މަސްވެރިން ގެ ސަބުސިޑީ ދަންޑުވެރިންނަށްދިނުން. 
(9) ސިވިލްސާރވިސް މުވައްޒަފުން ގެ މުސާރަ އިޔާދަނުކޮށް ހިފެހެއްޓުމުގެ އަޑީގައި ހުރެ،
(10) މިނިސްޓަރ އޮފް ފައިނޭންސް ކަމަށް ފައި ނެގުން 

އަސްސަދު މިހާރު ހާސިލްކުރައްވަން އުޅުއްވާ އަނެއް ކާމިޔާބުއަކީ، ޕީ.ޕީ.އެމް ގެ މާލިހާލަތް ރަގަޅުކުރައްވާ،2013 ވަނަ އަހަރު އިންތިޚާބުވާނެކަމަށް ބެލެވޭ ޕީ.ޕީ.އެމް ގެ ސަރުކާރުގެ މާލީ ވަޒީރުކަން ކުރެއްވުމެވެ. މިފަދަ ގިނަ ގުނަ ކާމިޔާބުތަށް ހާސިލް ކުރައްވާފައިވާ ބޭފުޅުން ގެ އަގުވަޒަންކުރުމަކީ މިޔަދުގެ ސަރުކާރަށް ލާޒިމް ކަމެކެވެ.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Mi kamugai DHEVANA FURUSATHEH neiy !!

ލ.ގަން އަލީއިސްމާއިލް

ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގައި ހުރި ބޮޑެތި ބުދުތަށް ފުނޑާ ހަލާކުކޮށް ނައްތާލީ 1153 ވަނަ އަހަރު ކަލަމިންޖާ ރަސްގެފާނު ގެ އަމުރުފުޅަށް ކަމަށް ތާރީޚުގައި ލިޔެވިފައިވެއެވެ. ވޭތުވެ ދިޔަ 850 އަހަރު ދިވެހިރާއްޖެއާއި ތަޚްތު ތަފާތު ތަޖުރިބާތަކާއި ކުރިމަތިލާން ޖެހުނެވެ. ކާމިޔާބާއި ނާކާމިޔާބު ގެއްލުމާއި ފައިދާ، ނުރައްކަލާއި ނެތިހިގައިދާނެކަމުގެ ބިރުވެރިކަން ފަދަކަންކަން ވެއެވެ. ނަމަވެސް މާތް ﷲ ގެ އިރާދަފުޅުން ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެއާއި މިރާއްޖޭގެ މުސްލިމް ރައްޔިތުން މިހުރިހާ ކަމަކުން ސަލާމާތް ކޮއްދެއްވިއެވެ. ވޭތުވެ ދިޔަ 850 އަހަރު މި ލޮބުވެތި ފަސްގަނޑުގައި، ދިވެހި އެއްވެސް ދަރިޔަކު ފާޅުގައި ނުވަތަ ސިއްރިޔާތުގައިވެސް، އަހަރުމެންގެ ކާބަފައިންގެ ދީނަށް ގޮންޖަހަން އުޅުނުކަމަށް ތާރީޚް ހެއްކެއް ނުދެއެވެ. 

ވޭތުވެދިޔަ ދިގު މުއްދަތުގައި މި އަހަރު އަޅުގަޑުމެންނާއި އިސްލާމް ދީނަށް ކުރިމަތި ވެފާއިވާފަދަ ބޮޑު ބިރުވެރިކަމަކާއި ކުރިމަތިވީ ޕޯރޗުގީޒު ން ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެއަށް ވެރިވެގަނެގެން ތިބި ދުވަސްވަރު، ދިވެހިން ކްރިސްތިޔަން ދީނަށް އަނބުރާލަން މަސައްކަތް ކުރިކުރުމެވެ. ހާދަހާ ދެރައެވެ. އަޅުގަޑުމެން މިފަދަ ވާހަކަ އަހާ ހިތްވަނީ އެނުރައްކަލުން ސަލާމަތްވެ، ތާރީޚުގެ ފަތްފޮތުގައި ލިޔެވިފައި ހުއްޓާއެވެ. ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގައި ބަތޮލުންނާއި ފުންނާބު އުސްޤައުމީ ރޫހު ގައި ޖިހާދުކުރަން ކެރޭ ޒުވާނުން މަދުވެފައި ވާ ދުވަސްވަރެއްގައި ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެ އަށް 1988 ވަނަ އަހަރު ސްރީލަންކާ ޕްލޮޓް ޖަމާއާތާއި ގުޅިގެން މި ރާއްޖޭގައި އޮތް ޤާނޫނީ ވެރިކަން ނައްތާލަން ރޭވި އާއިލާ ގެ ފަރާތުން ދެވަނަ ނުކައްސިރު ހަމަލަ އައްޑޫ އަތޮޅަށް 2011 ވަނަ އަހަރު އެ ދިނީއެވެ. 

 މިފަހަރު މިބައި މީހުން ތިބީ ފުރިހަމަޔަށް ތައްޔާރުވެއެވެ. ސަރުކާރު ބަދަލުކޮއްލާކަށް ހަތިޔާރު އެޅި ކުލީ ސިފައިން އެއްވެސް އަވައްޓެރި ޤައުމަކުން ގެންނާކަށް ނުޖެހެވެ. ދިވެހި ސިފައިން ތިބީ މިބައި މީހުން ގެ އަތްދަށުލެވިފައިއެވެ. ސަރުކާރު އެއްވެސް މުއައްސަސާއަކުން ދެކޮޅުހަދާނެކަމުގެ ބިރެއް ނެތް، ޚުދް ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލިސް ވެސް އޮތީ އަތްދަށުކޮށްލައިފައި. ވީމާ އޮތްހަމަ އެކަނިބޮޑުބިރުވެރިކަމަކީ ދިވެހި"ރައްޔިތުން". ގިނަ ދުވަސްތަކެއްގެ ވިސްނުމާއި މަޝްވަރާއަށް ފަހު، އައި މޮޅުޚިޔާލަކީ ސާކް ސަމިޓާއި ދިމާކޮށް ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގައި ތަފާތު ދީންދީނުގެ އަޅުކަން ކުރަން ގެންގުޅޭ ބުދުތަކެއް އައްޑޫ ސިޓީގައި ބަހައްޓާ، ރައްޔިތުން އެތައްޗަށް އަހުލުވެރި ކުރެވުން. ވާހަކައި ގައި މިހިސާބަށް އާދެވުނު އިރު، މި ނަޝީދުއާއި މެދު އެއްޗެއް ބުނެނެލަން ޖެހެއެވެ.މީ ނަޝީދުގެ ވަރަށް މޮޅު މަކަރުވެރި ވިސްނުމެއް. ވިސްނަވާ! ފިކުރުކުރައްވާ! ދިވެހި ހުރިހާ ރައްޔިތުންނެވެ. އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އުފެދިގެން އައި އިރު، ކުލަޔާއި، ނިޝާން އަދި ކެންޕޭނުގައި ބޭނުންކުރި ގުލްސަމްޕާ މާލާއި، މިކަހަލަ ކިތައްމެ ކިތައްމެ ކަމެއް ގުޅިފައި ވަނީ ބުދުދީނުގެ ރޫހާއި ވިސްނުމާއި އެއްގޮތްވާގޮތަށް ކަން ރަނގަޅަށް ވިސްނާލީމާ ހާމަވެއެވެ. 

މިފަދަ ކުޑަ މުސްލިމް މުޖުތަމައުއެއްގައި، ދައްކަން ހެޔޮނުވާނެ ވާހަކަ މިހުންނަނީ، "ދުނިޔޭގެ އެންމެންވެސް އެކަކު އަނެކަކުގެ އަގީދާއަށް ޤަދަރުކޮށް، އެއްބަޔަކު އަނެއްބަޔަކު ދަސްކުރާނަމަ މީ އުފާވެރި ދީބަކަށް ހެދިދާނެ." އަޅުގަޑު ގެ ސުވާލަކީ މިކަން ކުރަންވީ ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭ ގެ ކޮޅުކޮޅުމަތީގައި ބުދު ބަހައްޓައިގެންތޯއެވެ، އެންމެފަހަރަކުވެސް އިސްލާމްދީނަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ މޮނިޔުމަންޓެއް ބެހެއްޓިއްޔާ ވާނީ ކީއްތަ؟ ބުދުދީންއަށް ލެބިފައި ތިބި މީހުން އެކަމެއް ނުކުރާނެ. 

ނޫސްތަކުން ޚަބަރު ލިބޭގޮތުގައި ޕާކިސްތާނު މޮނިޔުމަންޓް ގެއްލިއްޖެ، އަދި ލަންކާ ސިންގާ ބުދުގެ މަތީ ދަތްޕިލަ ދުއްވާލާފައި. މަތީ ދަތްޕިލަ ދުއްވާލަންވީ އެބުދުގެ އެކަންޏެއް ނޫން އެޙުކުމް މިހުރިހާ ބުދުތަށް ދިވެހި ރާއްޖެއަށް އެތެރެކުރަން ހިއްވަރުދީ، އަޑީގައި ހުރެ ޤާނޫނާއި ޚިލާފަށް އެތެރެކުރި ކެނެރީ ނަޝީދަށްވެސް އަށް ވެސް ޙާއްޤެވެ. 

އިތުރުވާހަކައެއް ނެތް ދެއްކޭކަށް މީ ޕަބްލިކް ފޯރަމެއް. އަޅުގަޑު ގޮވާލަން ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގައި ޤާނޫނީ ވެރިކަން ދަމަހައްޓަން ހުރި ހުރިހާ މުއައްސަސާތަކުގެ ވެރިންނަށް މިކަން ތަޚްޤީގް ކުރައްވާ، ނަޝީދާއި އެނާގެ އެކުވެރިންނަށް ދިވެހި ރާއްޖޭގައި ޣައިރުދީން ފަތުރަން މަސަތްކަތް ކޮށްފައިވާތީވެ އެކަމުގެ ޙައްޤު އަދަބު ކަޑައަޅުއްވަން އެހެނޫނީޔާ،ވަގަކަށް ވެރިކަން ލިބުނީމާ 1000 ދުވަސް ފަހުން ވެރިމީހާއަށް ހުދުކަޅުމިންވެސް އިނގޭނީ. ވަރަށް ސަލާމް. 

Friday, November 18, 2011

Is Addu the Buddhist Capital of Maldives ?

Buddhist Status in Addu City put up by President Nasheed

President Nasheed had this thought from the very beginning of MDP. But the founders of MDP were very naïve; they did not realize that their mastermind had a different vision to the vision they had. 
Let’s look at the rationale that led to the formation and buildup of MDP:  

MDP was formed and the color chosen was YELLOW; Yellow is the holy color of the Buddhists. When they were choosing a color many of the founders jokingly said that it was the Buddhist color and that we should have a color like white, or green or red. But on Nasheed’s adamant insistence ultimately all agreed to that color YELLOW.

Now look at the flower chosen it’s the Temple flower, the flower the Buddhists use to offer prayers to Buddha. This too was chosen by Nasheed, on the pretext that this flower was more common in Maldives than other flowers. But the hidden agenda was to slowly introduce the Buddhist culture and mythology to our thinking.

I recall Mohamed Nasheed saying that all Maldivians were Buddhists, once upon a time, and that our history was such. He also was then indirectly saying why not all become Buddhist again and integrates better into the Asian Community which is largely Buddhist.

With this in mind he slowly, unknowingly to many, got us to believe he was an advocate of democracy. But his real secret agenda we did not know until now, things started to slowly unfold.  Today he is buying Parliament members with our money to change the constitution so that other religions would be practiced in Maldives.
 And now look at what happened in Addu. A real manifestation of Buddhism in Maldives. I remember some educated MDP hard core people advocating that since most Buddhist archeological sites are in Addu and FauMulak, that it would be an ideal Buddhist capital to be in Maldives. The SAARC convention was held there not to help the Addu people, but to implant the Nasheed’s vision of a multi Religious society in Maldives.  He was exposed to Buddhism during his schooling days in Sri Lanka, where he used to spend a lot of his past time visiting temples.

The reality is many MDP supporters are still in an illusionary state of mind. They love the party for which they sacrificed so much, they now try to console themselves into believing that its only a monument and nothing more. Like the ostrich that doesn’t want to see the bigger picture (Nasheed’s Bodu Manzaru in “Aneh Dhivehi Raajje”).

Now look at the strength gathered by this Man. He has now bought Parliament Members with our money not to pass some bills that are beneficial to us, but to slowly and slowly get these guys to change the constitution so that other religions could be practiced in Maldives.

Today the change is unstoppable. Parliamentarians are fed with so much of illegal money they can’t refuse Nasheed’s request. The moment they refuse he would expose them.

So my fellow citizens be prepared, it will start in Addu and spread to all Maldives. Back to the   13th Century, where King Kalaminja and the virgin girls that has to be given to the king for raping and killing.

The Journey has started, there is no stopping. The MDP people of Addu and Fau Mulak will protect the symbols of Buddha, and Nasheed will be pronounced King Kalaminja. And the some traveler from Morocco or somewhere will come GOD knows where from. GOOD LUCK Maldivians!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Dhivehi Raajje ah sarahahdee dheen thauraf kuran Swami Masaikai kuranee

ސްވާމީ އަންނި

ސްވާމީ އަންނިގެ
ރީދޫޓައި އެޅި އަށްވާނު
ނަޝީދުގެ ވެރިކަން ނިމުމަކާއި ގާތަށް އައިވަރަކަށް އަހަރުމެންގެ މިނިވަންކަމަށް އެސޮރު މަޑުމަޑުން ޔަޤީނުންވެސް އެބައަރައެވެ. މިކަމުގައި ނަޝީދު ބޭނުންކުރަނީ ޕޮލިހުންގެ ތެރެޔަށް އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ ގެ ސަރުކާރު ވެރިކަމަށް އައި ފަހުން ވައްދާފައި ތިބި ރައިސް ނަޝީދާ ބައިއަތު ހިފާ ބައެއް ނޭއްގާނީ މީހުންނެވެ. މިމީހުން ގިނަފަހަރު ޓީވީ، ނޫސްބަޔާން ދޭން އަރުވައެވެ. ޕޮލިސް ޔުނިފޯމުގެ ބަދަލުގައި މިބައިމީހުން ތިބެނީ ރީނދޫ ޓައީ އަޅާފައި ސިވިލިޔަން ހެދުމުގައެވެ.

މިހިނގާ ސާކްސަމިޓާއި ގުޅިގެން އިބްރާހިމް ނާސިރު އިންޓަނޭޝަނަލް އެއާޕޯޓުގައި އިސްލާމްދީނާ ޚިލާފު ބެނާތަކަކާއި ބުދުދީނަށް ނިސްބަތްވާ ބަޔެއްކަހަލަ ކުރެހުން ބަހައްޓާފައި ހުރެގެން އެއްޗެހި ނަގަން އެއާޕޯޓަށް ދިޔަ ބަޔަކު ކަމަށް ބުނެ، ފުލުހުންގެ ކަންޑުފޭރުމުގެ ކުޅަދާނަކަން ދައްކާލުމުގެ ގޮތުން ކަނޑުމަތިން މިބައި މީހުން ހައްޔަރުކޮށް ދޫނިދޫ އަށް ގެންގޮސްފި އެވެ. އޭގެ ތެރޭގައި ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހުގެ އިދިކޮޅު ދެ މެމްބަރުން ކަމަށްވާ އަހުމަދު މަހުލޫފާއި އަލީ އާރިފް ވެސް ހިމެނޭކަމަށް ޚަބަރުލިބިފައިވެއެވެ.

ފުލުހުން ކޮންމެއެއްޗެކޭ ބުނިކަމުގައި ވިޔަސް ހެއްވާ ވާހަކައެއްވާނީ ހެއްވާ ވާހަކަޔަކަށް، ބުއްދިގަބޫލް ނުކުރެވޭވަރުގެ ވާހަކަ ވާނީ ބުއްދިގަބޫލްނުކުރެވެވާހަކަޔަށެވެ. ހަމައެފަދައިން ދޮގުވާނީ ދޮގަށެވެ. ފުލުހުން އަންގަނީ އެ މީހުން ހައްޔަރުކުރީ ސާކް ސަމިޓާ ދިމާކޮށް އެއާޕޯޓްގެ ސަލާމަތަށް ނުރައްކާކުރަން އުޅުމުން ކަމަށޯ. މި ދެން ކޮންވާހަކައެއް؟ ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަޖިލީހުގެ ދެ މެމްބަރުން ހުޅުލެއަށް ގޮސް އައްޑު އަތޮޅުގައި ބާއްވަން ހަމަޖައްސާފައި އޮތް ސާކު ސަމިޓަށް ކުރެވޭނީ ކޮން ނުރައްކަލެއް؟

މިހާރަކަށް އައިސް ކަންކަމުގައި ސަރުކާރުގެ ފަރާތުން ބަޔާންދޭށާއި ވަކާލާތްކުރައްވަން ނެރެފައިމިތިއްބަވާ ބޭކަލުން ސަރުކާރުން ނެރުއްވަނީ ހިދުކޮޅު އައިސްފާ ހުންނަ ވަގުތުކޮޅުގައިބާވެ އަޅުގަޑު ހިތަށް އަރައެވެ. ފުލުހުންގެ އޮފިޝަލަކު ވިދާޅުވި ކަމަށް ހަވީރު އޮންލައިން ގައި ޝާއިއު ކޮށްފައި ވަނީ "އެމީހުން އެއާޕޯޓަށް ދިއުމަށް ފުރާފައި ވަނީ ބޮޑު ދޯންޏެއްގައި ކަމަށާއި އެ ދޯނީގައި މީހުން އުފުލުމަށް ހުއްދަ އޮންނަ ވަރަށް ވުރެ ގިނައިން މީހުން ތިބި ކަމަށެވެ." މިޒަމާނަކީ ބޮއްކުރާފަހަރު ދުއްވާ ޒަމާނެއްނޫންކަން އެގިވަޑާއިނުގަންނަވަނީބާ؟ ހުޅުލެއާއި މާލެއާއި ދެމެދު ދުއްވާނީ އަބަދުވެސް ބޮޑެތި ދޯނިފަހަރެއްނޫންބާ؟. ހުއްދަ އޮންނަވަރަށްވުރެ ގިނައިން މީހުން އަރުވައިގެން މި ދެރަށު ދޭތެރޭ ދުއްވާކަން ފުލުހުންނަށް އެގުނީ ހަމައެކަނި ރޭގައިކަމަށް ވީތީ ވަރަށް ދެރަ. ތަކެތީގެ އަގު އަތްފޯރުވާ ފަށަށް މައްޗަށް ގޮސްފައި ވާ ދުވަސްވަރެއްގައި، މިނެކިރައިގެން ދޯނިފަހަރު ދުއްވައިގެން ރައްޔިތުންނަށް ލިބެނީ ގެއްލުން ޖީ.އެސް.ޓީ ނަގައިގެން މުސާރަ ލިބޭމީހުންނަށް ފައިދާވިޔަސް. މިނޫންގޮތަކަށް ދޯނިފަހަރު ދުއްވޭކަށްނޯވެ، ތަކެތީގެ އަގު އަތްފޯރާފަށުން އަތްފޯރުވާފަށަށް އަރާއިގެން ގޮސްފައިވާ ދުވަސްވަރެއްގައި، ހަތަރު މީހުންނާއި އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ ގެ ދެ މެމްބަރުން ގެ ދަތުރު ކޮއްދީގެން ދެކޮޅުޖެއްސޭކަށް މިހާރަކު ނޯވެ.

ދިވެހިންނަށް ޒަމާނުން ސުރެ ލިބިފައި އޮންނަ ހިންގާބިންގާ އުޅުމުގައިޔާ ރާއްޖެތެރޭ އެއްރަށުން އަނެއްރަށަށް ދަތުރުކޮށްއުޅުމުގެ މިނިވަންކަމަށް އަރައިގަނެ، ގިނަ ބަޔަކު މިހައްޔަރުކުރީ ޚުދުމުޚްތާރު ރައިސް މުހައްމަދް ނަޝީދް ގެ އެންގުމުގެ މަތީން ކަމަށް ނަން ހާމަނުކުރަން އެދުނު ފުލުހުންގެ އޮފިސަރަކު ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ.

ސަތާރަވަނަ ސާކް ސަމިޓްގެ ތީމް އަކަށް ކަޑައަޅާފައި ވަނީ "ބިލްޑިންގް ބްރިޖަރސް" ކަމުގައި ވިޔަސް ހުޅުލެގައި ދަމާފައި ހުރި ބެނާތަށް ދައްކުވައިދެނީ އީސާގެފާނު ރަމްޒުކޮށްދޭ ކާރޓޫނުކުރެހުން ތަކެކެވެ. މީރައްބީގެ ބޮޑު ސިއްރަކަށް ހަދައިގެން ، ދިވެއްސަކަށް ނުދައްކާ، ހަމައެކަނި އަންނި ސާކު ޤައުމުތަކުން އަންނަ މީހުނަށް ދައްކަން ހުޅުލޭގައި ބަހައްޓާފައިވާ ލާދީނީ އެއްވެސް އެއްޗެއް ހުރިކަމުގައި ވަނީނަމަ، އެއީ ދިވެހިދަރިންގެ ސަމާލުކަމާއި، ޝައުޤްވެރިކަން އެކަމަކަށް ވަރަށް ބޮޑުވާނެކަމެކެވެ. މިގޮތުން އެބެނާތަށް ބަލަންދިޔުންވެސް މިހާރު މަނަލެވެ. އަދި މިގޮތުން ފުރަންނޫން އެހެން އެއްވެސް ގޮތަކަށް ނުވަތަ ބޭނުމަކަށް ހުޅުލެއަށް އަރާ ދިވެހިން ހައްޔަރުކުރާ ދުވަސް އޮތީ މާދުރަކު ނޫންކަމަށް ޤަބޫލްކުރެވެއެވެ.

Monday, October 31, 2011

MDP’s inspired Terrorist Elements rooted deep within the Maldives Police Force

Submitted by Ibu.

Jinnah MDP sympathizer
an operative within the ranks.
Chief Commissioner of Police
"It's difficult but, I follow Orders"
The Maldives Police force has to rid itself of terrorist elements planted in the its ranks by the MDP government, otherwise, the sad possibility that the good name of the many professional police service men and women in Maldives may be tarnished by the evil acts and crooked deeds of a few.

Many young men and women join the armed forces and the police primarily for the good pay, benefits and rewards of the job. We must not forget that morality and conviction play a great part in the decision to undertake assignments. Not everyone is a mercenary, nor will the great many tolerate idiocracy beyond simple humor.

Mr. Chief Commissioner is said to be battling his conviction to stay and be the incriminated or to resign and be honorable.  Many young nation loving policemen and women are fighting their convictions too. Mr. President and the Minister of Home Affairs are fully aware of this dire situation among the ranks of the Police.

The Dark Forces within the Police fancy this ruthless behavior as the Youth of Hitler did during the Nazi war in Europe. In the name of protecting people they go on revenge reprisals against innocent citizens going about their everyday lives. They arrest innocent victims of the violent and ruthless demonstrations sponsored and headed by of MDP’s Cabinet Ministers, Parliament Members and radical elements within the party ranks. 

There are many reasons for this;
  1. This government has molded the police force as a Para military force to protect the rulers against the public. And the bedrock of this thinking is carved into the minds of the force and the walls of the institution.
  2.   Most people in these Police forces do not have a decent education, and this has been the avenue for a so called “decent” work with lots of immunity. Only requirement is show your wickedness.
  3. Gets to work with the peddlers and has the opportunity to work with impunity to get rich fast.
  4.  The Government of the day needs these street dogs to bark at the people and terrorize so that the people would live in fear and uncertainty, while the looters fill in their coffers.

Just like in an old cowboy movie these renegade officers has taken control of the whole Police Force, and as a top lawyer in Maldives, Azima Shakoor said, “has turned the Maldives to a captured state”. Superintendent Jinnah is the chief architect of the plan. He has modeled himself like the former Executioner Adam Zahir, now retired and living in safe harbor in UK.

Monthly training programs are ongoing on how to terrorize the citizens.  This training comes handy for the Government in keeping the people wrapped in fear while the rulers pursue looting of the public funds.

These articles are written because we don’t want history to forget these ruthless people with Saddam Hussein Mentality within our society and especially within our police force. We want their children, sisters and their parents to understand that. These are evil people terrorizing the innocent citizens and the police force. Let this echo to all Maldives and Maldivians “MDP, Please Stop your terrorist activities you are forcing us to take reprisals action”. 

Heywalla publishes articles as they are received. No editing is done by our staff. You too may send in your articles to us for publication to <matthiasisoke@gmail.com>. Thank you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Fruit is Ripe ( Areca NUTS ! )

Male City Council Areca nuts
on Sale Local Market Male
Male Mayor Ali Maniku.
Confused.. How come so soon!!

The Areca nut is the seed of the Areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia, and parts of east Africa. It is commercially available in dried, cured, and fresh forms. Usually a few slices of the nut are wrapped in a Betel leaf along with lime and may include clove, cardamom etc. for extra flavoring.  Areca nuts are chewed with betel leaf for their effects as a mild stimulant, causing a mild hot sensation in the body and slightly heightened alertness, although the effects vary from person to person.

The high rate of oral cancer in India is due to the chewing of betel preparations. This can be attributed to the betel leaf, the areca nut, and to the tobacco which is added to some betel preparations. There is an association between the chewing of betel preparations and oral and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. The addition of tobacco leaf is the most harmful and addictive component to the chewing mixture. It was introduced during colonial times a mere few centuries ago.

The Male City Council have embarked on an ambitious program to plant the Are-ca nut palms on both sides of Majeedi Magu in Male.  Make Male Green and the People Sick (MMGPS) was launched by the Mayor Maizan Ali Maniku and President Mohamed Nasheed. This program is already bearing fruits.  The government hopes that it can cut the imports of Areca Nuts to Maldives by a third by the year 2013.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Serious Abuse of Diplomatic Protocol by the Maldivian Government

Uploaded: 10/24/2011

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Ahmed Naseem

MDP Chairman
Mr. Reeko Moosa Maniku
The state of mind of the members of MDP Pollitt bureau is evident from this document uploaded to scribd.com on 24th October 2011. It is a fabrication by the MDP Government Ranks and is a blatant abuse of Diplomatic Protocol that tantamount to nothing but forgery and abuse of authority.   This ploy by the MDP was covered with a letter supposedly from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  Although it was not printed on the Official Letter Head of the Ministry, the official rubber stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the signature of the Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem were on the letter.

Minister Naseem and his family had been involved in the plots to overthrow the government in the coup attempts of 1980, 1983, and 1988 the latter which was the worst that Maldives ever say in modern history, the November 3rd Attack on Maldivian Sovereignty with the help of Tamil Guerrilla that were fighting for a separate homeland in Sri Lanka.  Raised to ranks by radical President Mohamed Nasheed (Nephew), Naseem still seems to maintain his deceptive and murky mindset even on issues of national concern.

Little do the Minister and the Pollitt Bureau of the MDP realize that involving and thus implicating International Organizations like the UN and the UNDP in their national political pranks and tomfooleries fall short of civilized behavior expected of ruling parties and governments.  On the other hand it is not strange for a person like President Nasheed with the brain set little more than that of a teenager, to advice and motivate cronies to engage in discreditable activities such as demonstrating against the very judiciary handpicked and appointed by him, and publish documents and posts on the internet such as that referred to above.

Whilst there is little understanding and appreciation for the petty Political pranks and tomfooleries of national political parties within the UN framework, I am sure the UNDP and the family of UN organizations, condemn such acts. The simple justification that anyone could have done it is insufficient, when the signature of the Minister and rubber stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs appear on the covering letter to the document, the responsibility clearly lies on the Government of Maldives to find those perpetrators and stop such stupid and unqualified acts by senior officials of the Government. Given these harsh realities this Government could only be portrayed as been run by a bunch of Eighth Graders on summer holiday in Maldives.  

Is this how we citizens of Maldives want our country and government to be perceived as? Everything is in disarray, our social fabric to our Economy, and now Diplomatic protocols and practices are being abused and falling apart.  To all the Maldivian Voters I say, Let us all call this Holiday frenzy to an end and get serious.  2013 is up around the bend, and we should use fair judgment and rational thinking in selecting our next government and its leaders.  Dire and desperate as we may be, and tired and overwhelmed by the long and difficult five years under MDP rule, do not get taken away by their CASH for the a VOTE program to remain in power for another term.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH; we shall play by the written rule not the rule of the MOB or MOB DRIVEN PARTY’s such as MDP

Thursday, October 27, 2011

To My Friends

Poem by Heywalla Poet

To all my friends and foes the children of these beautiful islands of Maldives.
Oh children of the sea, today we are hijacked by a dark desolate ruthless ruler
Merciless his actions, persecuting the weak and feable, Dining with the strong and rich.
Breaking all the goodness we have built , Replacing with distrust and hatered.
Things have gone wrong, as sure it has, and as sometime it will.
All our hope and dreams shattered by the ruthless leader.

Our funds are low and our debts are high.
We want to smile, but we cry inside for our children are starving
When we want care we get hatred, intimidation practiced by the army of the ruthless leader.
We will rest but we shall not quit to bring you down, Anni
Life is strange with twists and turns. We know!  You forgot.
And as every leader before you learned your turn is also here

And many a leader turns to forget the people who brought him to power
We will not give up though the pace is slow
We will not surrender to your wicked bastions of power and corruption
We know with another blow we will succeed.

Success is failure turned inside out
When things seems worst we will not quit