HeyWalla 2013

We are dedicated to support those who are working so hard and so tirelessly to restore the lost Maldives. "Anne'h Dhivehi Raajje" proved futile. We want our Dhivehi Raajje Back.
All good Maldivians send in your articles, opinions and messages to Heywalla 2013 for publication. My email is
Thank you.

Monday, October 31, 2011

MDP’s inspired Terrorist Elements rooted deep within the Maldives Police Force

Submitted by Ibu.

Jinnah MDP sympathizer
an operative within the ranks.
Chief Commissioner of Police
"It's difficult but, I follow Orders"
The Maldives Police force has to rid itself of terrorist elements planted in the its ranks by the MDP government, otherwise, the sad possibility that the good name of the many professional police service men and women in Maldives may be tarnished by the evil acts and crooked deeds of a few.

Many young men and women join the armed forces and the police primarily for the good pay, benefits and rewards of the job. We must not forget that morality and conviction play a great part in the decision to undertake assignments. Not everyone is a mercenary, nor will the great many tolerate idiocracy beyond simple humor.

Mr. Chief Commissioner is said to be battling his conviction to stay and be the incriminated or to resign and be honorable.  Many young nation loving policemen and women are fighting their convictions too. Mr. President and the Minister of Home Affairs are fully aware of this dire situation among the ranks of the Police.

The Dark Forces within the Police fancy this ruthless behavior as the Youth of Hitler did during the Nazi war in Europe. In the name of protecting people they go on revenge reprisals against innocent citizens going about their everyday lives. They arrest innocent victims of the violent and ruthless demonstrations sponsored and headed by of MDP’s Cabinet Ministers, Parliament Members and radical elements within the party ranks. 

There are many reasons for this;
  1. This government has molded the police force as a Para military force to protect the rulers against the public. And the bedrock of this thinking is carved into the minds of the force and the walls of the institution.
  2.   Most people in these Police forces do not have a decent education, and this has been the avenue for a so called “decent” work with lots of immunity. Only requirement is show your wickedness.
  3. Gets to work with the peddlers and has the opportunity to work with impunity to get rich fast.
  4.  The Government of the day needs these street dogs to bark at the people and terrorize so that the people would live in fear and uncertainty, while the looters fill in their coffers.

Just like in an old cowboy movie these renegade officers has taken control of the whole Police Force, and as a top lawyer in Maldives, Azima Shakoor said, “has turned the Maldives to a captured state”. Superintendent Jinnah is the chief architect of the plan. He has modeled himself like the former Executioner Adam Zahir, now retired and living in safe harbor in UK.

Monthly training programs are ongoing on how to terrorize the citizens.  This training comes handy for the Government in keeping the people wrapped in fear while the rulers pursue looting of the public funds.

These articles are written because we don’t want history to forget these ruthless people with Saddam Hussein Mentality within our society and especially within our police force. We want their children, sisters and their parents to understand that. These are evil people terrorizing the innocent citizens and the police force. Let this echo to all Maldives and Maldivians “MDP, Please Stop your terrorist activities you are forcing us to take reprisals action”. 

Heywalla publishes articles as they are received. No editing is done by our staff. You too may send in your articles to us for publication to <matthiasisoke@gmail.com>. Thank you.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Fruit is Ripe ( Areca NUTS ! )

Male City Council Areca nuts
on Sale Local Market Male
Male Mayor Ali Maniku.
Confused.. How come so soon!!

The Areca nut is the seed of the Areca palm (Areca catechu), which grows in much of the tropical Pacific, Asia, and parts of east Africa. It is commercially available in dried, cured, and fresh forms. Usually a few slices of the nut are wrapped in a Betel leaf along with lime and may include clove, cardamom etc. for extra flavoring.  Areca nuts are chewed with betel leaf for their effects as a mild stimulant, causing a mild hot sensation in the body and slightly heightened alertness, although the effects vary from person to person.

The high rate of oral cancer in India is due to the chewing of betel preparations. This can be attributed to the betel leaf, the areca nut, and to the tobacco which is added to some betel preparations. There is an association between the chewing of betel preparations and oral and esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. The addition of tobacco leaf is the most harmful and addictive component to the chewing mixture. It was introduced during colonial times a mere few centuries ago.

The Male City Council have embarked on an ambitious program to plant the Are-ca nut palms on both sides of Majeedi Magu in Male.  Make Male Green and the People Sick (MMGPS) was launched by the Mayor Maizan Ali Maniku and President Mohamed Nasheed. This program is already bearing fruits.  The government hopes that it can cut the imports of Areca Nuts to Maldives by a third by the year 2013.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Serious Abuse of Diplomatic Protocol by the Maldivian Government

Uploaded: 10/24/2011

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Ahmed Naseem

MDP Chairman
Mr. Reeko Moosa Maniku
The state of mind of the members of MDP Pollitt bureau is evident from this document uploaded to scribd.com on 24th October 2011. It is a fabrication by the MDP Government Ranks and is a blatant abuse of Diplomatic Protocol that tantamount to nothing but forgery and abuse of authority.   This ploy by the MDP was covered with a letter supposedly from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  Although it was not printed on the Official Letter Head of the Ministry, the official rubber stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the signature of the Foreign Minister Ahmed Naseem were on the letter.

Minister Naseem and his family had been involved in the plots to overthrow the government in the coup attempts of 1980, 1983, and 1988 the latter which was the worst that Maldives ever say in modern history, the November 3rd Attack on Maldivian Sovereignty with the help of Tamil Guerrilla that were fighting for a separate homeland in Sri Lanka.  Raised to ranks by radical President Mohamed Nasheed (Nephew), Naseem still seems to maintain his deceptive and murky mindset even on issues of national concern.

Little do the Minister and the Pollitt Bureau of the MDP realize that involving and thus implicating International Organizations like the UN and the UNDP in their national political pranks and tomfooleries fall short of civilized behavior expected of ruling parties and governments.  On the other hand it is not strange for a person like President Nasheed with the brain set little more than that of a teenager, to advice and motivate cronies to engage in discreditable activities such as demonstrating against the very judiciary handpicked and appointed by him, and publish documents and posts on the internet such as that referred to above.

Whilst there is little understanding and appreciation for the petty Political pranks and tomfooleries of national political parties within the UN framework, I am sure the UNDP and the family of UN organizations, condemn such acts. The simple justification that anyone could have done it is insufficient, when the signature of the Minister and rubber stamp of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs appear on the covering letter to the document, the responsibility clearly lies on the Government of Maldives to find those perpetrators and stop such stupid and unqualified acts by senior officials of the Government. Given these harsh realities this Government could only be portrayed as been run by a bunch of Eighth Graders on summer holiday in Maldives.  

Is this how we citizens of Maldives want our country and government to be perceived as? Everything is in disarray, our social fabric to our Economy, and now Diplomatic protocols and practices are being abused and falling apart.  To all the Maldivian Voters I say, Let us all call this Holiday frenzy to an end and get serious.  2013 is up around the bend, and we should use fair judgment and rational thinking in selecting our next government and its leaders.  Dire and desperate as we may be, and tired and overwhelmed by the long and difficult five years under MDP rule, do not get taken away by their CASH for the a VOTE program to remain in power for another term.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH; we shall play by the written rule not the rule of the MOB or MOB DRIVEN PARTY’s such as MDP

Thursday, October 27, 2011

To My Friends

Poem by Heywalla Poet

To all my friends and foes the children of these beautiful islands of Maldives.
Oh children of the sea, today we are hijacked by a dark desolate ruthless ruler
Merciless his actions, persecuting the weak and feable, Dining with the strong and rich.
Breaking all the goodness we have built , Replacing with distrust and hatered.
Things have gone wrong, as sure it has, and as sometime it will.
All our hope and dreams shattered by the ruthless leader.

Our funds are low and our debts are high.
We want to smile, but we cry inside for our children are starving
When we want care we get hatred, intimidation practiced by the army of the ruthless leader.
We will rest but we shall not quit to bring you down, Anni
Life is strange with twists and turns. We know!  You forgot.
And as every leader before you learned your turn is also here

And many a leader turns to forget the people who brought him to power
We will not give up though the pace is slow
We will not surrender to your wicked bastions of power and corruption
We know with another blow we will succeed.

Success is failure turned inside out
When things seems worst we will not quit

Monday, October 24, 2011

Government Harasses Ghassan Maumoon

ޣައްސާން މަޢުމޫން
ކުރީގެ ރައީސް މައުމޫން އައްބުދުލް ގައްޔޫމް ގެ ދަރިކަލުން މުޙައްމަދު
ޣައްސާން މައުމޫން  ފުލުސް އޮފީހުގައި ހިފަހައްޓައިފި ކަމަށް ޣައްސާންގެ ވަކީލު ވައްޑޭ  ވިދާޅުވެއްޖެ އެވެ. ޣައްސާން ހިފަހައްޓާފަވަނީ  ގާނޫނު އަސާސީގެ 49 ވަނަ މާއްދާގެ ދަށުން ލިބިދޭ ބާރުގެ ދަށުން ކަމަށް ފުލުހުން ބުނާކަމަށް ވައްޑޭ ބުނެއެވެ.
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Anni hidden character exposed

Before coming to power Mohamed Nasheed promised the world to the Maldivian people. He portrayed himself as a true democrat, many learned Maldivians believed this fox in sheep skin and they sacrificed their money, time and energy and did all they could in all honesty to bring down the thirty year old regime in the hope of having freedom and democracy. One year down the line the fox in sheep skin was exposed.

Just in the nursery fable, when the little Red Riding Hood asked the fox who was in her grandmother’s bed, “what big teeth have you got Grandma”, the fox replied, “All the better to eat you”. Addressing a group of supporters in Alifushi, Anni gave an astonishing exposure into his character he said “when my party people come for help I will help them, but when people not in my party come to me, I will show them how mean and cruel I would be, and they wouldn’t even imagine that”.

This phrase alone lost the parliament vote for MDP. Subsequently Anni the president has been endlessly battling to execute those people, who did not vote for him, and he hasn’t succeeded in doing so to date. The battle rages on with advisors from Britain, Israel and India to no avail, just only failures.

Trying to control the independent institutions to a greater extent have succeeded. But still the very judiciary which was selected by him now working for justice is moving against his mob centered strategy. It reminds me of the 1930 in US when the mob was virtually ruling cities like Chicago and New York. There is absolutely nothing different, here in Maldives its Asians and local settings. Strategy is the same. 

Adolf Hitler Reincarnate
President Mohamed Nasheed
of Maldives.
The Maldivian people, waiting to get hold of this half cranky, character Anni with no sense of shame or respect to the very people who voted for him. Behaves and acts as though he is the reincarnate of Adolf HITLER.  Little does he realize that this small tiny soul was once on the streets of Maldives getting bashed and dragged like a weak mouse, acting the tyrant now with the backing of the Police and Armed Forces of Maldives? It is only a matter of time; the citizens of Maldives will be moved beyond the breaking point. Then no sea would be deep enough, no wall will be high enough, no army would be strong enough to stop the anger and the wrath of Maldivians with blood on their chests, despite the wounds will march forward to bring down the tyrant and his armies.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Beasts of the Dives - Ahmed Shaheed Dr.

The Poem from Dr. Ahmad Shaheed (Special Rapporteur)

"Ahmed Shaheed Shall we then sing Beasts of England my way? :))
about an hour ago 

Beasts of the Dives, Oh! Beasts of the Islands,
Beasts of every island and clime,
Hearken well and spread my tidings
Of the golden future time (fat hopes)

Soon and late the day is coming,
Tyrant Man shall be overthrown,
And the fruitful fields of dives
Shall be trod by beasts of burden alone

Rings shall vanish to be placed by the mob,
Taxes on our back, exempted for the mob,
Bit and spur shall rust forever,
Cruel whips shall be cracked by only the mob

To make the Rich more we’ll tax the poor,
Feed the poor oats and say a fib,
Clover, beans, and mangel-wurzel
Shall be ours upon that day (not

Dreaded will be the fields of the Dives,
Mucky shall its waters be,
Bitterer yet shall blow its breezes
On the day we set the mob a free

Till that day we all will ploy,
Though we die before it breaks;
The beasts of burden like geese and turkeys,
All must toil, whilst we relish our freedom

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

MDP Intrusion and overpowering Civil Societies of Maldives.

While Maldives are trying to accept the new democracy, MDP is using every tool to gain popularity within the public because of its tremendous unpopularity as a government. One common tool used by MDP is the so called number of Civil Society Associations. 

These societies were established by MDP sympathizers during the previous regime.  These societies were active then, every night they were on the media pretending to be fighting for the cause of the citizens. However today we see these societies have become sleeping cells and hibernated. They wake up to support MDP endorsed issue, e.g.; demonstrate against the Judiciary, against Parliament members salary hikes and against honorable judges for being independent, and many more.

If you clearly look into the membership of these Civil Societies like Transparency Maldives, and The Society of Lawyers, you will see that they participate in MDP rallies, and are visibly seen at MDP organized forums.  And if you look deeper into these organizations, these sleeping cells are also funded by the MDP.

These Societies are used by MDP to show the citizens that the views of these so called “Independent Societies” are much the same as that of MDP. Thus if we as citizens are not vigilant enough we could get dragged into the whirlpool of trickery and forgery.

These civil societies are the tools which MDP uses to show the public that the guardians of the public sentiment share a common strategy, hoping to convince the public of their goodness.

Essentially they are:
  • Breaking the Law to enhance corruption in favor of MDP top shots
  • Taxing hard working people trying to live a decent life, and helping MDP activists who sleep all day like lazy dogs and wakes up on call.
  • Undermining and intimidating the Judiciary trying to give independent verdicts which in most cases are against the perpetrators who happen to be MDP trouble makers
  • Spending on Media to misguide the public
  • Spend on expensive vacations for MDP top shots
  • Buying Opposition party members , and the list is endless
This strategy is viewed by many MDP insiders as a winning strategy for the 2013 elections.

The hypocrisy of these civil societies in Maldives has to be exposed. People should not listen to what they have to say.  As the old saying goes these civil societies are nothing but a bunch of wolves in sheep skin.

I am confident the Maldivian public is no more ignorant, they would surely be aware of these culprits disguising as civil societies and lives in the pockets on MDP top shots. 

A very clear litmus test is;
  • Do you see them voicing their concern on MDP moving against the constitution? NO
  • DO you see them voicing against MDP not following parliament regulations? NO
  • DO you see them voicing against MDP on violations against Human Rights? NO
Beware of the new evil; the Civil Societies in Maldives. They will eventually help MDP take away our freedom.  They are the likes of Illuminati’s and the Free Masons in the forming.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


You need "A_faruma.ttf" font installed in your computer to view this article.

މުރާސިލުން ބުނާ ގޮތުގައި 2013 ވަނަ އަހަރުގެ ރިޔާސީ އިންތިޚާބަކީ ރާއްޖޭގެ މުސްތަޤްބަލަށް ވަރަށް މުހިއްްމު އިންތިޚާބެކެވެ.

2013 ގެ ނަތީޖާ އަށް ވާ ގޮތަކުން ރާއްޖޭގެ އިޤްތިސާދް މިހާރަށް ވުރެ ފުން ވަޅުގަޑަކަށް ވެއްޓި، ދަރަނި އިހުނަށް ވުރެ ބޮޑުވެ، އާއްމު ޚިދުމަތްތަކާއި ތަކެތީގެ އަގު ބޮޑުވެ، ބޭރުފަރާތްތަކުން ރާއްޖެއަށް ވެރިވެގަތުމުގެ ފުރުސަތު މިހާރަށް ވުރެވެސް އިތުރުވެގެން ދާނެއެވެ. މިއީ މީގެ ދެރަގޮތެވެ. އަނެއްގޮތަކީ ރާއްޖޭގެ އިކްތިޝާދު މިވަރެއްގައި ހިފެހެއްޓިފައި އޮތުމެވެ. އާއްމު ހާލަތު އިތުރަށް ގޯސް ނުވެ އޮތުމެވެ، މިވެސް ރަގަޅު ގޮތަކީ އެއް ނޫނެވެ.  ރައްޔަތުން  މިހާރު ދެން އޮތީ ދެރަ ދެ ގޮތުންކުރެ ގޮތެއް ނިންމުމެވެ. ވީމާ 2013 ގެ އިންތިޚާބަށް ނަޒަރެއް ހިންގާލުމަކީ ރަނގަޅު ކަމެއް ކަމުގައި ދެކެމެވެ.

ޕީ.ޕީ.އެމް އުފަންވުމާއި، ޕީ.އޭ ގެ ގުޅުން ބައެއް މީހުން ދެކެނީ ކާމިނީއާއިލާގެ ވެރިކަން އަލުން އަނބުރާއައުމަށް ހޯދާ ފުރުސަތެއްކަމުގައިއެވެ.  މިވަގުތަަކީ ރައްޔަތުންގެ ތެރޭގައި އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ ގެ މިހާތަނަށް އެންމެ ދަށްވެފައިވާ ވަގުތެކޭ ބުނުމަކީ ދޮގަކަށް ނުވާނެއެވެ.  ކުރިޔަށް އޮތް އިންތިޚާބުގައި އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އަށް މާ ބޮޑު ކާމިޔާބީއެއް ލިބޭނެޔޭ ބުނުމަކީ މިވަގުތު ދަތިކަމެކެވެ.  އަދި ހަރުދަނާ އެއްވެސް ޕާޓީއެއް އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އާއި ގުޅުމަކީ ވަރަށް ނާދިރު ކަމެކެވެ.  އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އާއި ގުޅިފައިވާ ޕާޓީތަކުގެ އިތުރުން އެ ޕާޓީ ތެރެއިންވެސް ގިނަ ބަޔަކު ވެރިކަމާއި ދޭތެރޭ އޮތް އިތުބާރު ވަނީ ގެއްލިފައިއެވެ.

މިހާލަތުގައި  2013 ވަނަ އަހަރުގެ އިންތިޚާބު ކާމިޔާބުކުރުމަކީ  ވަރަށް ބޮޑު ސުވާލެކެވެ. އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އަށް ހަމައެކަނި އޮތް ފުރުސަތަކީ އެކަނި ހާލާއިގެން އިންތިޚާބުގައި ވާދަކުރުމެވެ. އެކަނި ވާދަކޮށްގެން  އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީއަށް %51 ލިބުމަކީ މުސްތަޚިލްކަމެކެވެ. މިކަމުގެ ހަޤީގަތަށް ވިސްނާލަމާ ހިގާށެވެ. އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ 2008 ގައި ވެރިކަމަށް އައި ފަހުން ވެރިކަން ކޮށްފައި ވަނީ ވަރަށް ޚުދްމުހްތާރުކޮށެވެ. ވީމާ ރައްޔިތުން ވެސް މިކަން ދެކިގެން އޭގެ ބަދަލު 2013 ގައި ދޭނެ ކަން ޔަޤީނެވެ.  ޖީ.އެމް.އާރް އާއި ގުޅުން ހުރި ފަރާތަކުން ބުނަމުން ދަނީ 2013 ވަނަ އަހަރުގެ އިންތިޚާބަށް ގިނަ އަދަދެއްގެ ފައިސާ އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އަށް ދޭނެކަމަށެވެ.  ދެން އޮތް ސުވާލަކީ މިކަމުން އަސަރު ކޮށްފާނެބާވެ. ރައްޔިތުމީހާ ދެކެނީ ކިހިނެތް ބާވައެވެެ؟  އެއްފުޅަށް މަތިން ފުންމާލި ބަކަރި އަނެއް ފުޅަށް މަތިން ފުންމާނުލާނެ އެއްވެސް ގޮތެއް ނޯންނާނެ.

އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ ވެރިކަމުގައި ތަކެތީގެ އަގުތަކަށް އައި ބަދަލާއި، ސަރުކާރުން ކުރި ފޫނުބެދޭ ދޮގު ވައުދުތަކާއި، ޤާނޫނާއި ޤަވައިދަށް ހުރުމަތް ތެރިކޮށް ނުހިތުމާއި، ކަރަޕްޝަން ގެ ބޮޑެތި މައްސަލަތަކާއި ހެދި ރައްޔަތުންގެ ރުޅިވެކަން ވަޒަންކޮށްލެވޭނީ އެފް.އެމް ރޭޑިޔޯތަކުން  ފާޅުކުރާ ޚިޔާލުތައް އަޑުއަހާލީމައެވެ.  ރައްޔަތުންގެ ކަންބޮޑުވުމާއި، އެބައިމީހުންގެ ގިލަންވެރިކަން އެގިގެންދެއެވެ.

ރައްޔަތުންގެ އުއްމީދުތަށް މިހާރު ހުއްޓިފައި ވަނީ ޕީ.ޕީ. އެމް އަށެވެ.  މިކަމާއި އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އިން ވަރަށް ޖެހިލުން ވާން ފަށައިފި. ނަޝީދު 2013 ގެ ކެމްޕޭން ފަށައިފި. ކުޑަތަންވެފައިވާވަރުން ވެރިމީހާ އާއްމުންނާއި ޒުވާބުކުރުންފަދަ ހަޑި އަމަލުތަށް ވިޑިޔޯއިން ފެންނަން ފަށައިފިއެވެ.  ދެރަކަމަކީ އަޑިޔަށް ދާ މީހާގެ ބޮލުގައި އަޅާ ކޮއްޕާލުމުގެ އާދަ އަޅުގަޑުމެންގެ ތެރޭގައި ނެތި ނުދެއެވެ.  ޚަބަރު ލިބޭގޮތުގައި ޑރ. ޑީޑީ އާއި ރީކޯ މޫސާ ފަދަ މީހުން ތިބީ މިފަދަ ވަގުތަކަށް ބަލަބަލައެވެ.

އާޚިރު ނަތީޖާއަކީ 2013 ގެ އިންތިޚާބުގައި އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ އެކަނިހައްޓާއި ނިކުންނަން ޖެހިދާނެކަމެވެ. އަދި އެމް.ޑީ.ޕީ ގެ ތެރެއިން ނިޔު އެމް.ޑީޕީ ކިޔާ ފެކްޝަނެއް އުފެދިދާނެ ކަމުގެ ބިރުވެރިކަން ވެސް ވަރަށް ބޮޑެވެ.  ޑީ.އާރ.ޕީ އާއި ޕީ.ޕީ.އެމް އަކީ މައުމޫން ގެ އުފެއްދުމަކަށް ވާއިރު، މިރޭހުގައި ކާމިޔާބު ލިބޭނެ ކަމަށް ބެލެވެނީ އަދާލަތް ޕާޓީ ފަދަ ރައްޔަތުންގެ އިތުބާރު ލިބިފައިވާ ސިޔާސި ގޮތުން ތަސައްރަފް ފުދިފައިވާ ޕާޓީ ތަކާއި ގުޅިގެން އިންތިޚާބަށް ކުރިމަތިލާ ޕާޓީއަކަށެވެ.  އަޖާއިބަކީ އަދިވެސް ރައްޔަތުންގެ ލޯތްބާއި އިޙްތިރާމް މައުމޫނަށް ލިބެމުން ދާވަރުންނެވެ.  މީ ރައްޔަތުންގެ ނިންމުންނަމަ، ހުރިހާ އެންމެންވެސް މިކަމަށް އިޙްތިރާމް ކުރަންވާނެއެވެ.


Heywalla 2013: PRESCRIPTION BEGGING OFFICIALY LAUNCHED BY IGMH: I believe that the MDP Government has officially launched its "Prescription Begging" program for the sick and needy. Please be ready with ...


I believe that the MDP Government has officially launched its "Prescription Begging" program for the sick and needy. Please be ready with at least Rf. 50.00 in your hand to give out, when they come knocking at your door. After all although Anni and the rest of the gang are in France, Norway and Italy, those who ill afford are here knocking at your door. HELP them.

Madhana is soon to announce bankruptcy due to over expenditure and mismanagement (a symptomatic characteristic of MDP). Mr. Anni has already announced that with effect from January 2012, a new and much better medical insurance program will replace Madhana.... That's it.

Since MDP came to office in 2008, Madhana is headed by a person who have served term in jail for stealing a laptop from a shop.  ... The inevitable is here .

Download these documents, and distribute them freely, Perhaps it may prompt some rich guy to lend a helping had to the poor lady and his desparate family..  We hope that in so doing, it will put a stop to his insanity by MDP. 


Monday, October 10, 2011

Almost 2013 Election

It is very unlikely that a single political party will manage the first round of voting in Maldives this time on. Success in the 2013 Elections will depend on the party that manages to come out with maximum tie-ups and alliances. It's a reference to tie-ups that are productive and generate votes, not those that are unyielding and burdensome where the probability of undesirable result tend to be high.

MDP is quite correctly described as the (Most Distrusted Party) in the Maldives in the article “What is the Political future of our country?” and by the way I like that acronym. Two players that would matter in the forthcoming elections are DRP and PPM. Limping behind these two parties, slandering and defaming their way down the 2013 election lane would be MDP solo without any allies.
For a better understanding of our rationale, we need to look at the grouping that made up the second round of voting in 2008

The MDP coalition on the Second Round Voting in 2008

The DRP coalition on the Second Round Voting in 2008

Do you see the difference that the Mighty Coalition against DRP managed to secure? it's only 8.33%. DRP then led by President Maumoon Abdul Gayoom was a popular party indeed.

First Round Voting Results 2008
MDP and Gaumee Ethihad
Gaumee Party (Hassan Saeed)
Republican Party
Islamic Democratic Party (Umar Nasser)
Social Liberal (Ibrahim Ismail)

The analysis of the first round results tells us an interesting story. From the figures above, it is very evident that although DRP was singled out to be thrown out of office on the second round of voting. The percentage of votes secured by the coalition working together in the second round was only 5.31% more than the sum total of the votes the managed to secure working separately in the first round of voting.   And on the second round, the MDP coalition of all the political parties managed only 8.33% more than what DRP single handedly secured on the second round. This is a point to note, in support of our argument regarding 2013.
Looking at the facts and figures in retrospect, we can establish the true gauge of MDP today and predict the 2013 election. First, we acknowledge and value the contribution of alliance members such as Dr. Hassan Saeed, Mr. Gasim Ibrahim during the second round of voting.  Together they commanded 31.89% of the votes in the first round.  So take away the contribution of these two alliance members, MDP was left with a true value of 21.76% a near approximation of its round one run value of 24.91% of which 3.15%  could be attributed to as Gaumee Itthihaad (GIP) Dr. Mohamed Waheed Hassan Maniku contribution.
 In 2013, the table will be turned around.  MDP has failed to be accepted as a viable government it is seen as a party that has not matured and not maldivianised enough to govern this country. MDP failed to understand that we are protective of our religion and country.  During the known 800 years of written history of Maldives, our forefathers have died and martyred for Islam and these islands we call Dhivehi Raajje.  Here is what an insider of MDP said “We shall stand against all forces from within and without that determines to split our nation in the name of development”. 
People still feel and fear the sense of insecurity that governed us over the years and to a great extent true even today.  The Nasheed Administration changed fear factor methods from corporal punishment and imprisonment to economic seclusion and social onslaught.  It wouldn’t be wrong therefore to say that the vast majority of our population suffers from Stockholm syndrome .
MDP boasts of an increased membership since they came to power.  These signatures were given in return for material benefit and social security guarantees; it is not a guarantee of a vote.  MDP insiders believe that it has only 19000 voters that are willing to vote to keep the party in power.  The rest of the signatures are only on paper. The realization that MDP has taken us several years back in time fifteen years, if not ten, is something for which many people will avenge MDP in 2013. 

Thursday, October 6, 2011

State of Maldives today (Poem)

(Dear Matthiasisoke, here is an peom for Maldives you may publish this freely on your Heywalla2013, and Thank you for your effort.)

Economy on a downhill,
Hunger on the rise,
Poverty on every street corner,
The Corner shop shut for ever,
The Yazeed of MIRA knocking on every door  and
The citizens on a bandwagon to hell.
Is this what we wanted in the change?.

Street tricks becoming government policy.
Street kids becoming government officials,
Street management getting neglected,
Street smart becoming important
Are we on the streets?

Skilled in protests, the answers to our prayers.
Skilled in protests, is what we consider great.
Skilled in protests, our leaders are,
Skilled in protests, our children aiming for.
Why do we need to study?

Cheating  to citizens our strategy.
Keep citizens wandering  our objective
Rob the citizens our tactics.
Believe in our lies our Euphoria.
Are we alive?

Sick and Tired the citizens of hearing the lies.
Filling the corridors of hospitals, crumbling with flies.
Waiting for a better day with open eyes,
When would we be able to sleep with closed eyes.

Why do you keep on making us hear your song
Telling us how you are changing right from wrong
'Cause if you really want to hear our views
"You haven't done nothing"!
Steve Wonder